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  1. jokerj

    feather duster attack

    Check the common hitchhiker thread and make sure they are not aphasia. If they are aphasia get some peperment shrimp a bottle of joes juse and let the battle begin!!
  2. jokerj

    A flood when the power goes out

    you could also put a check valve in the line for the return. this will also keep the water from comming back down. It only lets the water flow one direction. when the power goes out the water cannot flow backwards through the line back to sump only can drive to the tank.
  3. jokerj

    Overflow Question

    thanks. That's what I was thinking. I was planing on putting a cover over the u tube with a filter bag and filling with bio balls on the intake. so worse case they will be in my overflow box and not in my sump. My wife called me and one of the guys that got sucked into my sump did not make it...
  4. jokerj

    Live Rock How long will it take to die off...

    well if you want to make sure the tank cycles then drop in a dead raw shrimp. Leave it in for a day or two and you should see your amonia spike on up, then that should drop as your trites raise, then that should drop and the trates go up. You then know the cycle happens.
  5. jokerj

    air temp lower than water temp

    you could always head to the wally mart and buy a cheap clip on fan and hook on there to blow across the top of the water. this should cool things down a bit!
  6. jokerj

    Overflow Question

    anyone? :help:
  7. jokerj

    Overflow Question

    I not long ago set up a seahore tank (55 gal). I did a do it yourself overflow with lee specimen containers. Here in lies my problem. When I got the seahorses in they came in very small about 2 in . I've had a problem with a couple of them that like to swim up to the overflow and the holes in...
  8. jokerj

    What to feed Yellow Tangs

    mine loves romane lettus (not sure of spelling). I also feed frozen myiss and formula two blocks.
  9. jokerj

    Shrimp combinations

    I have a coral banded shrimp with 2 pepermint shrimps. as long as I spot feed my banded a couple times a week I have not had a problem from him.
  10. jokerj

    OMG!!!! I lost all my fish (heater)!!!!!!!!!!

    try hooking the heater up so it comes on with timer for night time and cuts off durring the day. this will at least keep the temp from spiking while your gone for the day. I'm very sorry to hear of your loss! I would blow a gasket if that happened to me.
  11. jokerj

    new 55 Gal - NEED ADVICE

    well your on your way! that is a start. just a suggestion get a blue or black background and put on. it will make a big diffrence. overall just add some more live rock and get the cycle going by adding a couple dead shrimp and wait it out!!!
  12. jokerj

    Headache Help

    I was not the start of the post but their are two kinds. Bacterial and viral. one is very bad can cause death if untreated ( shut down organs ect). the other is not so bad and just causes head aches ect. I had one I think viral. I don't rememeber since it was 2 or 3 years ago. The one I had...
  13. jokerj

    Headache Help

    I was about 2 years ago getting very bad headaches all day everyday they would come an go and got worse in intensity. I went through catscans / mri's and they kept telling me it was migranes. I finally kept getting worse with headaches and my eyes finally went to blood shot. It looked like I...
  14. jokerj

    Feeding Perc Clowns, Bangaii cardinals, highfin gobies, fuzzy dwarf

    No I do 1/2 block chopped up each myss and formula 2 ( mix with flake food)and feed for all fish. I once or twice a week will add more but depends on the fish and eating. I try not to feed more than what the fish will eat in 5 min for the most part.
  15. jokerj

    Flame Scallop

    last time I lost mine he was in the back behind the rock work. the other always hangs out right up front but the one is in the back of the tank behind rock work so unless you knew he was there he would be hard to find.
  16. jokerj

    Flame Scallop

    I have 2 of them in my 100 galon. one of the two I have every once in a while will move through the rock work and swim arround to find a better place for himself. they like caves and overhangs where the light is not as bright. he probably is in there somewhere. if you have alot of rockwork they...
  17. jokerj

    My Coral Banded Shrimp got eaten!!!

    when mine molts it has the antenas and all there. they may hide for a day or so so it still could be a molt.
  18. jokerj

    Feeding Perc Clowns, Bangaii cardinals, highfin gobies, fuzzy dwarf

    I do not have all the same fish but I feed my tanks - 100 gal yellow tang mono argenta bangii card maroon/yellow stripe clown strawbery phusdo roral grama fire fish two brittle stars about 50 hermits 50 snails two peppermint shrimp 1 emrald crab 55 gal 2 false perc 1 clown gobie banded shrimp...
  19. jokerj

    Thinking about hanggging it all up

    what are your perameters? be specific. amonia , nitrite, nitrate. also when you updated your lighting keep close tabs on your temp. I have noticed some lighting may be heating up the tank durring the day and at night the temp will drop. more than just a few deg can stress out the fish. If...
  20. jokerj

    Water Change question.

    sorry it is 2 rubber maid tubs not 10. supposed to be 2 10 gal tubs!! Sorry about that.