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  1. schulace12

    Shark egg journey.

    that red alge is gross, i had it is my tank once, and had to tear it down.....
  2. schulace12

    testing pics.

    lookin good
  3. schulace12

    guess who's going to the aquarium in atlanta

    i went there about 3 mouths ago, i live in minnesota...we were goin to minnesota, but we decieded to go to the aquariume then drive to florida, sure i got pics, but i am to lazy to post them
  4. schulace12


    Originally Posted by AW2 I'm no longer in Chicago. I moved back to my hometown, in Soutnern IL on the 31st. To my knowledge, there are no stores in the Chicago area that sell sub-adult to adult Banded Cats. I raised one of mine from an egg (she was female) and the other, I picked up as an 18"...
  5. schulace12

    large tank pics

    Jcrim....i really wanna set up a shark tank later when i get outta college...u dont have to answer this if u dont wanna, but how much$$$ was it to setup a sweet tank like that? i love that black sand...waht kinda lights u got over it?
  6. schulace12

    I Saw What I Think is the Coolest Aquarium

    Originally Posted by unleashed large filter systems they run on multipal tanks.same also goes for LFS the fish may seam to have a 10 gal space to live in but they have 1000's of gallons of water flowing through them all.I once went to LFS that had a very healthy 2 ft nurse shark in a 20 gal...
  7. schulace12

    shark tocking and opinion

    Originally Posted by jr2857 i now planned something different. ok the is a rectangle 14x8x6 (lxwxh) and there will be half of a circle on each side. the total gallonage is 7500. i think that is a better plan. i know it costs a lot but if i get into a real high class at my school they will get...
  8. schulace12

    huge storm

    sad sad sad.............i live in MN we just got over a foot and still school for us
  9. schulace12

    are there any scavengers that would servive an agressive tank

    way to many big fish, and dont have 4 nigers they get huge, and so do porcipines, 2 is to much. to many fish
  10. schulace12

    Going to the lfs saturday to get a fish! What one though?

    get grouper man, so many people have lions. not that many poelpe have minitas, it would be really cool, and there color is amazing
  11. schulace12

    what else can you put in a tank with sharks and sting rays???

    Originally Posted by jdragunas ok, you boys need to calm down... lol no {LINK VIOLATION}
  12. schulace12

    what else can you put in a tank with sharks and sting rays???

    Originally Posted by Cartman101 try me schulace, i have been studying fish since elementry school, yes a ray will be fine. ONLY THE SMALLER ONES! (calis) how do u " study fish"? im not goin to argue either,all i am say in is get one that is really wide, and not as tall.
  13. schulace12

    what else can you put in a tank with sharks and sting rays???

    hahah are u kidden me? all i asked is about the tanks, i bet i knoe way more then u, so dont say stuff like that when u have what u are takin about. dont make me pull a dragon ball Z on u
  14. schulace12

    what else can you put in a tank with sharks and sting rays???

    Originally Posted by Cartman101 if you get a 150gal(5ftx2ft) then you should have no problem keeping a ray. People have done it less then 2ft. ya that is true, but then the rays wont be happy
  15. schulace12

    think my tank is ready?

    areu guys all supporting this shark in his tank for life? if u are u are wrong! they may not move in the day but at night they are the most active aquarium shark, witch means he will need a 250 or bigger when he gets full size even though he stays smaller then a bamboo
  16. schulace12

    new list

    Originally Posted by Cartman101 way to many i agree way to many, and that eel will out grow the tank
  17. schulace12

    shark tank

    anyone got anymore advice?
  18. schulace12

    500 gal stocking

    i say if u wanna get sharks go for it, but have enough money, and stuff like that. and of course a big tank. i think it is good u are asking alot of questions, that is what u should be doing, asking questions and then chaning ur mind to sometihng else.
  19. schulace12

    shark tank

    i may think about a ray, i am not sure yet
  20. schulace12

    shark tank

    i am not afrad of them, i just dislike them, they are just not appleaing to me, and it would freak me out to put my hand in the tank with a 4 foot one.