Originally Posted by bpro32
Can you really do that?
Yes, just buy the one that doesn't have any additives, the only ingredient is seaweed. They love it.
I would say that eventhough people say is REEF safe I would watch out for it. They grow big and do you think they wouldn't munch on a shrimp or anything else ? Hermits and snails may be left alone, but as you know Triggers are Triggers.
Yes ammonia should be 0. First dont add more fish, do half water change and keep taeking results for couples days. if you add mroe it will die again. The best way now is to solve the problem until it gets out of hand.
Do the water change check parameters and wait couple of days until you...
I have some 5 handfull of chaeto for sale....
I am only charging for shipping and paypal cost fee which will be total of
$ 7 dollars I think.
LMK who wants it and pm me.
Originally Posted by maxalmon
I'll have it figured out by Mon or Tue as to what will be in the next round. Jim
Got it, will keep my eyes open
You moving that's why you getting rid of everything, that sucks you had a killer frag tank...
Originally Posted by maxalmon
Start everything at the bottom and move them towards the very top. the edens love really high light, mother colony is 6" from 250w mh. You should be fine moving them over a 2 day period.
Hey Jim, have anything left...LMK ready to get some frags from you.
Thanks, Alex
Blend everything you have, add some bananas, garlic extract, and some nori put on a zip lock, take it to the freezer and than when u need it take a piece and feed your fishes....If u can afford some other vitamins you can add that up in the mix
Wowww, very clean and nice, love the fish selections....
So you only FEED them Spectrum, it seems is working, they llok very healthy and their coloration is beautifull.....I guess I should change my menu
Maybe he took a pic of something else that dies on him before...hehe
That I know ACAN is of the hardiest coral ever, you can break them apart, step on them and they still will grow, weird how that happened...
Ok, after trying to save some corals, this is what was left after the tragedy. I took some corals to my tank at home, but many didn't survive as well....I guess just waiting our business to move and than start the tank again....
Pic today 09/10/07.
Originally Posted by dmschiff
Does anyone have some nice chaeto they want to sell? I'm on a few waiting lists, but just thought I'd ask.
I got some, my chaeto grew again....Let me know Pm me