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  1. sawsman

    Asterina stars...LOTS of them (?)

    Yeah I'm curious also. I have at least 30 of them in my 55. How many is too much?
  2. sawsman

    immediate help needed

    The dial must be misaligned with numbers. If your digital temp and stick-on temp agree then heater is wrong. If it cycles on and off then I would keep it and just ignore the setting number. go by your digital and other temp readings. Good luck with the bigger tank. -sawsman
  3. sawsman

    Cleaning Algae

    water, razor blade and some elbow grease. never heard of a liquid that will help other than good ol H2O. -sawsman
  4. sawsman

    immediate help needed

    OK. is there a light that tells you when the heater is cycling on and off? If there is does it stay on steady? It sounds like a bad heater. :thinking:
  5. sawsman

    What Would You Do In My Situation???

    sometimes problems wont go away by trying to run away. There is probably a drug problem in ST. Marteen also. I've been there also and I know there is definately an alchohol problem and STD problem also. I agree with volunteerg, talk to someone like a counselor at school.... they're there to...
  6. sawsman

    immediate help needed

    a couple of heaters that I have used in the past never actually matched up with the arrow on the dial and were as far off as two degrees. My guess is your heater setting is off. Turn it down until your temp readings are where you want them and if they remain stable then why worry.
  7. sawsman

    immediate help needed

    Your digital is probably ok. I would turn your heater setting down one degree per day until desired temperature is met and remains stable. 83 is not too high in my opinion. The fluccuation is what you dont want. You can buy a stick on type thermometer just to compare to your digital if your that...
  8. sawsman

    What do you feed your anemones?

    once in a while squid or chopped silverside. and yes, 150w MH 12.5k's x2. -sawsman
  9. sawsman

    Bristleworm eating anemone!

    only when I'm in the shower
  10. sawsman

    Explain where your user name originated

    I work at the worlds largest open pit copper mine in the water service depatment. South Area Water Services, and everyone says I'm the "man". thus sawsman. By the way.... we run the states largest Reverse Osmosis water treatment plant (3,000 g.p.m. all year long!).
  11. sawsman

    Bristleworm eating anemone!

    My anomone's doing fine! I wish I had a video also. Dont you ever wonder what we're missing when we dont watch our tanks? -sawsman
  12. sawsman


    alexis31, Welcome aboard! If you do a search at the top of the page you will be able to find tons and tons of information on most any subject, fish or equipment. this will help you out greatly.
  13. sawsman


    Originally Posted by AzOcean709 I don't agree with the 10 to 15 minute deal...i acclimate everything the same. I put everything in a bucket with a heater. . i put the animals in the bucket. my tank stays at 79 degrees, my bucket is then put to 79 degrees, with snails i drip faster than i...
  14. sawsman

    Bristleworm eating anemone!

    thought I'd share this story: The other night I was watching my tank from across the room. As I was watching my Clarkii clownfish was poking into the LR quite oddly. As I stood up and was walking toward the tank I noticed the clown had pulled a HUGE bristleworm (~4" long) from the rock and had...
  15. sawsman


    yes drip method is fine. I might add that you'll want to keep your specific gravity at >1.024 and calcium at >400 ppm for snails. -sawsman
  16. sawsman


    Welcome dt ! I personally would put 5 Turbos and 5-10 Astrea snails. This should be plenty for a 20 gal. In my experience snails do not like the sand very much and Ive tried several different types. You'd be better off with a sand sifting goby fish or a bunch of small hermit crabs in my opinion...
  17. sawsman

    coralife dual timer

    My Coralife dual timer quit working after about six weeks. I flipped the switch so as just to use it as a power strip. all outlets work in power strip mode but I've tried the timer dial a couple of times and it's shot! I've also heard of others having this same problem. I purchased a few cheap...
  18. sawsman

    PH Question

  19. sawsman

    Pump Problem???
