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  1. az


    live sand as well will have them. And they are worse then bunnies or rats! so if you get them they should do alright!
  2. az

    Did a water change and still high Nitrate.

    Originally Posted by brrlong So i posted earlier about the high nitrate levels in my tank, everyone said do a water change, so i did. And i changed 15gallons. My levels are still HIGH HIGH HIGH! im talking 80+ still!!!!!!! What the hell am i doing wrong???? :-( all i have in my tank is...
  3. az

    A Very Sweet Deal

    if you can keep it submerged like the rock and sand then no time will really need. But the reason I say submerged is if he has any sponges of things in the same family they can not take air in most cases. And could be a great addition to you if you want them and can help out greatly in...
  4. az

    Could a coral be covered?

    can you wave water over it to remove it from the coral or use a small hose to syphon it off. but if it left on there for to long it will hurt the coral and it could die.
  5. az

    Change out Live Sand

    yes all are reef systems that I own. Have set up alot of Fish only as well. Sent you a message. Hope to hear from you soon.
  6. az

    QT question

    if you have something to keep the bacteria alive in your system it will that is why I said to have certain things for if it not used for a long period of time, you might as well just keep it dry until you need it and then fill it up and hope it works. small amount of food just put in will keep...
  7. az

    are these nitrates reason for concern?

    nitrates at 40 generally will not make your fish act funny. A low oxegen level will and also make your nitrates and salinaty levels flux. If you have a sump try to aerate the water there so the bubbles don't go all over in your tank. Check the water you add to your tank for nitrates before you...
  8. az

    Change out Live Sand

    Originally Posted by Clown52 I am going to be getting a new tank in at the end of the month. Can I just move the sand from my current tank into it? My current tank has been set up for about a year and the sand bed is 1.5 to 2 inches deep. Yep and should do fine.
  9. az

    Change out Live Sand

    Originally Posted by uberlink I thought the chief constituent of sand was silica (SiO2), aka quartz, which lacks clear cleavage planes and is therefore less prone to fracture, and which is also relatively more chemically stable and less soluble in water than other minerals. I believe that over...
  10. az

    acclimation from quarantine

    and lights out for the day so no one will pick on them to soon.
  11. az

    water too hot! help!!!!

    The oceans have a greater flux in temps then what you guys are talking about. So unless you hit into the high to mid 80's I would not worry alot. If you have a sump use a small fan if needed to blow into the sump and it will cool it down. If setup properly with a thermometer of the right type...
  12. az

    QT question

    Originally Posted by corally Since you are not supposed to put any LR or LS in your QT, what are you supposed to do if you go for long periods of having nothing in it? Do you have to do something to keep the cycle going? Or should I just set up the QT as needed? Why not put any live sand or a...
  13. az

    Im a newbie..and need help...REAL bad

    Yes it is a sump with bio-balls. I wish people at these stores would take people down the right roads and not just for commissions. I will hope you and you boyfriend read the things that people has written. And in saying this I hope you stop on any more additions and spending money on your tank...
  14. az

    Opinion On Live Rock

    density should depend on what type of live rock you get. Tonga is more branchy Florida is more dense not as open Fiji is open but you need to know where it comes from there. Marshal is a little less dense and more open the fiji Depending on the look your after will depend on the area you get it...
  15. az

    lfs or online

    very good question! I think it would depend on the internet store vs. what you have in town. I have had dealing with both and had great service and animals. weigh the risk of one to the other and do the best you can.
  16. az

    Hair alge problem????

    You can start with the clean up crew of more snails and crabs. Scarlets are nice but expensive and generally go after hair algae. Hair algae is the least favorite of foods for most animals so a slight overload of the cleanup crew may be needed if the problem gets worse.
  17. az

    How much Sand and Live Rock

    so I am taking that for your 10 years you have ran both fish and coral tanks? If you have had great success with them then having a smaller one and being specific is no problem. They are set up very simular. For corals set up a good prooven bio system that your comfortable with. Get good...
  18. az

    Do you think it stands a chance?

    Time will tell for sure and I am sure you knew this answer. Could be a territiory thing at first so if later they are out together nad no aggression is happening then you can know what was happening. I would think if he wanted to eat it, he would not stop at one attempt. You may want to turn...
  19. az

    Hair alge problem????

    What is the Kelvin rate of your lights? What type of water do you use to topoff of change your tank water with? what kind of cleanup crew do you have? Is this hair algae dark green or bright green? What is your salinity at and does it change through out the day? Do you have any corals and...
  20. az

    Change out Live Sand

    Not if it is live rock. Live rock grows it is alive. same as live corals. They add to their skeletons. But I do use as base rock from an old sea bed that helps me in keeping a proper calcium level in the tank. And if test result say I need to add something to the tank in other element I do...