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  1. sac10918

    Fish with Cloudy Eye

    Hey Beth His spots look similar, maybe a lighter brown. However, I don't have an anemone and I he doesnt host a coral either....
  2. sac10918

    Fish with Cloudy Eye

    Hi guys Okay, so the eye is still cloudy, but I have another issue now. My same clown has light brown spots that are visible on his white stripes. They almost look like freckles, in the sense that they are light brown, flush to the scales (i.e not raised), and spotted looking. I havent added...
  3. sac10918

    Fish with Cloudy Eye

    Hi All The eye is starting to look better already. What a relief! Thanks for all your replies. ~Lauren
  4. sac10918

    Fish with Cloudy Eye

    Thanks for both of your replies. I will do some small water changes daily, and I will also continue to feed garlic soaked food. Thanks for your help. His eye does look cloudy-er now that I have gotten home. Its almost opaque over the whole eye. Is there a point where I might need to get more...
  5. sac10918

    Fish with Cloudy Eye

    Hi All My B&W saddleback clownfish has one cloudy eye that I just noticed this morning. He appears healthy other than the eye and is eating fine. I cleaned the tank two days ago and stirred up a bit of debris and im wondering if maybe something irritated his eye. Is it a bacterial infection, or...
  6. sac10918

    Can a soft coral host itch?

    How long do you QT them and what do you dip them in?
  7. sac10918

    Can a soft coral host itch?

    Thanks Sepulation The mushroom has no hard substrate, but was purchased from an LFS and there were fish in the tank with it. It is currently in QT along with some other corals, but I dont have a great QT set up and things aren't looking so I was thinking about putting the mushroom in...
  8. sac10918

    Can a soft coral host itch?

    Question I know that the itch needs to have a fish host to survive, but that things that enter the tank need to be QTd for 6 weeks to prevent itch entering the tank, but I am wondering if a small mushroom (with no rock or porous substrate) could introduce anything into the tank or not. Thanks
  9. sac10918

    Peppermint Shrimp Eggs?

    Hi there.... Since no one else has responded, I thought I would share.... I had 2 cleaner shrimps that had eggs a few years ago. I was told that it is very natural for the two shrimps to mate up and have eggs, but really difficult to raise them, if that is what you are interested in. The eggs...
  10. sac10918

    Could I use a hang in tank refugium as a coral QT?

    Yeah, I guess it would be similar to floating a bag in the tank, except a little bit more "permanent".... I dont want to QT any fish or anything, just some mushrooms....
  11. sac10918

    Could I use a hang in tank refugium as a coral QT?

    Hi everyone I have a 24 gallon aquapod with Metal Halide lights that is home to two B&W saddlebacks, a few sexy shrimp, and a few corals. I haven't added anything to my tank in a really long time, and would like to add a few simple (i.e. easy corals). I refuse to add anything without...
  12. sac10918

    Adding a second clown

  13. sac10918

    Adding a second clown

    Hi All I am going to be adding a small B&W saddleback clownfish to my 24 gal aquapod to join with my other larger one. The newbie has been in QT and will be ready to join the display hopefully on Sunday. I am a little nervous that my female might beat up (possibly kill?) the new one, although I...
  14. sac10918

    Did you see Sharkwater?

    I rented this amazing movie from netflix and I had to comment on it. As marine aquarists, we should all be concerned about the health and longevity of the oceans. This film is a documentary made by a young biologist who uncovers the truth about the shark finining industry. If you havent seen it...
  15. sac10918

    Moving Lympho fish to DT

    I am feeling confident that this is lympho. It is on the tips of his fins and i think it looks like white styrafoam. I did hypo in th QT just to be sure there was no ich, and it didnt seem to affect it. I also did a round of melafix to make sure it wasnt anything fungal.... He eats well and is...
  16. sac10918

    Moving Lympho fish to DT

    Hi everyone I purchased a little B&W saddleback clown about 5 weeks ago and he has been in my QT. I think he has lymphocytosis, which seemed to spread to the tips of other fins during the first week that I had him, but now the spots seem like they may be getting smaller. My question is, what are...
  17. sac10918

    Ich or Lympho

    Pastor B Thanks for your reply... Im not sure if its lymphocytosis yet, I guess I will just have to wait and see if the hyposalinity helps at all (meaning it would be ich), although I suspect it is probably lymphocytosis.
  18. sac10918

    Ich or Lympho

    He there My new clown is in my QT and I began lowering the salinity down yesterday, and am hoping to have it down to 1.009 by tommorrow evening. I noticed that my fish has a white lump-looking growth on the tip of his anal fin, as well as a few white spots on the side, which I presumed were itch...
  19. sac10918

    Question on How Soon to begin Hypo

    Also, just to be clear, I need to drop the salinity to 1.009 over 48 hours? Do I have to do it that quickly, or could it be done more gradually?
  20. sac10918

    Ich driving me mad please help

    Are you certain your getting your salinity all the way down to 1.009? Do you use a refractometer or a hydrometer to measure?