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  1. fishykel

    just letting out some steam

    It always helps when you can talk to somebody that you can trust. Last year me & my entire family on both sides lost everything due to the hurricane. I had to switch schools 4 different times, couldn't locate family after the hurricane, Grandpa had stroke, family friend died, and the list goes...
  2. fishykel

    Louisiana - Any GOOD LFS"S aroudn?

    My friend told me about one they just opened in Slidell. Pets Plus I think it is. Haven't been yet, so dont really know how it is.
  3. fishykel

    new 265 gallon

    who needs a tv when you got that in your living room? wow, i couldnt stop looking at it!
  4. fishykel

    Kewl Quotes!

    My Social Studies teacher would always tell us this, " Excuses are like buttholes, everyone has one and they all stink!
  5. fishykel

    new 265 gallon

    wow, really nice. the stand and canopy look really good also. i think thats my dream tank also! im jealous! :happyfish
  6. fishykel

    My first tank

    looks really nice. my tank didnt look nearly that good when it was 4 mths old. good job. (boy do i miss my tank)
  7. fishykel

    sand or crushed coral

    what is black sand? i've seen it before, and it looks really cool. i guess its good because it never really looks dirty. :)
  8. fishykel

    Rude People !!!!!!!!! Rant!!!!!

    im almost 15, and it happend to me in my lfs. it wasnt until i was making large purchases that they actually tried to help me. It happens to everybody!
  9. fishykel

    Post pictures of your tanks reef or fowlr!!!

    wow, beautiful tank murph.
  10. fishykel

    What is the longest a hitch hiker has remained hidden in your tank?

    had a nudibranch(didnt see it until 3 weeks later), and had tons of feather dusters. I was giving feather dusters to my lfs cause they kept poping up.
  11. fishykel

    29 gallon

    Hey savanna! I miss going to ur house and looking at your fishtank!! good times, good tims!!
  12. fishykel

    LFS took me for $900

    hey, . trust me, i know how it is to be messed over. after hurricane katrina, we started cleaning out our house. we threw out the sheetrock and all of our other stuff. we cleaned out our 90 gal. fish tank , and threw all liverock, sand etc. away. after we finished cleaning our fish tank, we set...
  13. fishykel

    Louisiana - Any GOOD LFS"S aroudn?

    we had three in the slidell area that were ok. that was before katrina of course. i dont know if your familiar with the mandeville area, but there is a really good one called seven seas. i was very satisfied with them. i think coral connection is open since some of their stock they were on the...
  14. fishykel

    what's the 1st thing you wish you had known

    definitely agree with mike....i wish i wouldnt have rushed into things as quicky as i did. Didnt realize how expensive this hobby was, but it pays off at the end!
  15. fishykel

    Just an Introduction

    Wow, thanks for all the replys. Im planning on doing a reef again. Im waiting on finishing rebuilding my home. Almost there. Im sure I will have tons of questions in the future.
  16. fishykel

    Just an Introduction

    Just wanted to introduce myself. Im a newbie I guess you could say. I had a 90gal. reef before hurricane katrina destroyed it, but planning on buying another eventually. I've been reading a lot of threads and learning a lot. Cant wait to get back in the fish world. ~kel~