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  1. salt_water

    Two Little Fishies Phosban Reactor 150

    I have the Phos-reactor, and it works very well. Change the media about every 8 months depending on water quality. I use a Rio 180 on mine, and it works great. It comes with a valve to restrict flow. A Rio 90 or Rio 50 would work also. Good luck.
  2. salt_water

    I am starting to hate my BTA

    How long has he been in "hiding". Just give him some time, I'm sure he will come out again.
  3. salt_water

    New Clowns

    Just keep at it, they should soon take to it. Also, try mixing both foods so they may get a piece of the pellets as well. Try smashing a small pinch of pellets in between your fingers and rub your fingers together as to crush it up a bit, they may start to feed on smaller pieces. They'll come...
  4. salt_water

    Question about Metal Halide Fixtures???

    Hang the lighting from the ceiling.
  5. salt_water


    Yeah, I was thinking that could have been a chance. I haven't added anything in my tank in a month or two.
  6. salt_water


    Anyone ever had any jellyfish appear in your tank. I'm sitting here watching my fish when I see them all going for something in the water swimming around. So I get a closer look, as they are sucking it in their mouths then spitting it back out. It looks like a transparent greenish Zoa, but it...
  7. salt_water

    Kalkwasser not working

    450-500 isn't anything to worry about. If I were you Id try the Oceanic Salt Mix. Also, You said you syphon off the top of the kalk water. I mix 2 teaspoons to 3 gallons of water, and mix it throughly. Let it sit over night and add it slowly to the tank as top off, I dont have it setup to drip...
  8. salt_water

    New mushroom rock....need id also

    Looks a bit like a brittle star.
  9. salt_water

    would have been a death caused by stupidity. or not.

    To replace it, get a plastic heater with auto-shutoff, so that won't happen again. It will shut off when its not in the water. Good thing nothing happend!
  10. salt_water

    Calcium, buffer, and now Kalk Drip?

    Well, I think you're on the right track to a reef tank. Oceanic brand salt does a great job of keeping calcium and alk levels in check. Adding kalkwasser to your top off water is not a bad idea by any means. Certain salts do a good job of buffering and constant changes means constant additives...
  11. salt_water

    Calcium, buffer, and now Kalk Drip?

    Yes, using all these original additives works fine, but what about trace minerals/elements. This is the reason I believe consistant water changes are easiest to keep up on all aspects of water parameters. The price of salt is not bad if you think about everything that is in the salt mix. Find...
  12. salt_water

    mystery crab

    Neat little buggers aren't they? This is the only hitchhiker I got with 42lbs of rock. Not too bad.
  13. salt_water

    mystery crab

    Here, I got a picture of this guy today, about 5 minutes ago. He was in the back of my tank so it was hard to get a good picture of him, his back was facing me. Click to enlarge. Update: He crawled up front so I had to get another shot. Click to enlarge.
  14. salt_water

    mystery crab

    Originally Posted by bolt696 Hey, I found this guy in my tank. Took almost 4 months to catch him. tried all kinds of traps with all different foods, never fell for it. When I went from my 55 to 125 I finally got the [hr] . He was the size of a silver dollar. He ate almost all my clean...
  15. salt_water

    acclimating new arrivals - URGENT

    WOW! $30 for a cleaner shrimp. That's insane. I paid $12 for mine and only $22 for a Fire Shrimp. Anyway, I floated mine for maybe an hour, maybe a bit longer. Every 15 minutes or so, I untied the bag and scooped some tank water into the bag and tied it up again and left it floating. Did this a...
  16. salt_water

    1st fish and invert order!!!!!!!!

    Originally Posted by andy51632 Just made the plunge for 2 wild percula clownfish, 10 nassarius snails, 10 turbo snails, 3 sally lightfoot crabs and 10 assorted hermits. The clownfish will be going into a 29gal. QT and the inverts will be going into my 90gal DT. I had a few questions: 1. What...
  17. salt_water

    Still have hair Algae

    The best thing I did for hair algae was get a Sea Hare. It is a snail/slug which has an inner, not outer, shell. I paided maybe $15 for this guy and he took care of all the bad algae in just two days. $15 isnt bad if you think about what chemical additives(which I dont use) would cost to remove...
  18. salt_water

    mandarin question

    Good idea. Patience is huge with saltwater tanks. Sounds like youre taking the right route.
  19. salt_water

    mandarin question

    As already stated, they should do fine together. I have both of them aswell, in my tank. No issues here. Im not sure, though, if you were asking this assuming they both eat copepods. I dont know that a diamond sided goby eats copepods, not that they are against eating them, but I dont think they...
  20. salt_water

    Will Mandarin have enough pods to eat?

    Its more about the length of time the tank has been up and running, and how much the copepods have multiplied in that ammount of time. I was told not to add one until atleast 6 months or a year has past, giving the copepods time to get their numbers up. Adding cheato works great, but they dont...