Search results

  1. mynameis

    The Time Thing

    leaving the solution in for that long of a time can cause precipitation. This will adhere to your glass/plastic and give you inaccurate readings in the future. Just a thought
  2. mynameis

    Chaeto for sale in FL - will ship

    Got mine yesterday. Good size portion and very healthy. Thanks alot.
  3. mynameis

    Chaeto for sale in FL - will ship

    I'll take one. check your pay pal
  4. mynameis

    Chaeto For Sale $15

    Let me know when you have more available. I would need 2 bags. Thnx
  5. mynameis

    Whats you'r SG

    1.026 - 1.027
  6. mynameis

    anyone have cheato or culerpa excess?

    I have been looking for cheato for a while now...I went to all of the LFS and noone has any...even asked a few employees that have salt tanks and none of them have any I have found a few online stores that sell it but they never seem to have any available and price is outrageous. I may just...
  7. mynameis

    does anyone run a miracle mud/caulerpa system?

    I have a 125gal with a 55gal sump/fuge that I am using the miracle mud/grape caulpera ( I also have a ls with rubble lr section that I will have cheato in when I finally find some ) The cycle was fairly quick, only 10 days to go from Amm. >5 to Trates < 10. So far I have had no issues with...
  8. mynameis

    Upgrading my skimmer to outside sump?

    I run an Octopus recirculating skimmer for my 125gal and love how it works. I went for the one that was rated up to 400gal because I plan to upgrade to a larger tank eventually (the 125 is great but bigger, Bigger, BIGGER). It pulls really thick dark skimmate within a day of set up and was a...
  9. mynameis

    How did you find this site?

    Can you believe that one of the few saltwater fish stores in my area had the link on their business card? Glad I dropped in before I got misled by some of their 'knowledgeable' :notsure: employees.
  10. mynameis

    Coraline Algae

    It is very common for coraline algae to die off when going through your cycle. Once your cycle is complete do a water change and keep an eye on your calcium and alk lvls...check for phosphates as they are a factor in it regenerating (you want 0 phos). As long as you keep all of your levels in...
  11. mynameis

    Inline Protein Skimmer?

    I am still looking around for a skimmer that will work for me. I was thinking about feeding the skimmer from a T off of my overflow plumbing with a ball valve on it(in case of problem or leak in unit) to adjust flow. The Reef Octopus recirculating protein skimmers look like a good choice for me...
  12. mynameis

    Chiller Help

    Most tank are kept from 76 - 80 degrees...I can't say I know much about the chiller but thinking ahead is always better than last minute.
  13. mynameis

    Inline Protein Skimmer?

    So here I am thinking about adding a protein skimmer to my set up (125gal RR with a sump/fuge) problem is that the way I designed my sump I have no room to actually place the skimmer inside of it. Can I put the skimmer on the side of the sump (ASM G3) and have the return drain back into...
  14. mynameis

    Reef packages

    As far as the bioload concern for adding a large reef package...many consider cleaner crews to be a - impact. They do more to remove waste than produce it. The only thing you may want to look into is making sure they do not run out of food. Get some dried algae sheets.. I tear off a piece and...
  15. mynameis

    Reef packages

    One thing you may wish to consider besides looking at the $ saved by buying the package is if everything you are getting in the pack will be compatible with the fish you intend to keep..... some of the critters will prey upon smaller fish or even ones that tend to sleep on the sand and some...
  16. mynameis

    Oh no! I got bit by the saltwater bug!

    Sorry I haven't responded sooner (had a few problems with tank). I did not get my LR from here because I found somewhere that was cheaper. $.70 a lb adds up quick when you are buying 200lbs of rock. Like all things you buy, shop around for best price/quality that fits your budget. You just have...
  17. mynameis

    RO water

    I am on a well with extremely hard sulphur water (smells like the faucet farts when you turn on the water) so when I first set up my 55gal I bought RO water from Wally-World (Wal-Mart). After doing a lot of research I did a bunch of modifications to my water supply ( :cheer: faucet doesn't fart...
  18. mynameis

    would this cause a problem??

    The sand will eventually work its way down and the CC will then be on top...choose one or the other and stick with it. I tried to do a mix and it didn't work well at all. The powerheads moved all the CC to one spot on top of the sand.
  19. mynameis

    Best place and price to buy a 125g?

    I would definitely shop around for the tank. I know I got a really good deal on my AGA RR 125gal tank at $299.00 sooo (I spent 3 hours at lfs haggling out prices and quoting website prices ) Good luck on your search and hopefully you get a good deal too.
  20. mynameis

    Oh no! I got bit by the saltwater bug!

    lol how quickly the last two weeks have passed. I just know that once I get this tank running smoothly I will be dreaming of the next tank. :hilarious So here is progress: Tested water yesterday and Amm=0 Trites= <.25 Trates=20ppm SG = 35ppt Calc= 420 Phos= 0 (but then again having slight algae...