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  1. scout

    Lighting Upgrade on 29 Gallon BioCube

    I put the 150 sunpod on my bc29 a few months ago(after about 20 months with the stock lighting) and it has been great. No regrets. The legs mount to the tank without any difficulty, no need to suspend it. As for a cover I can't tell you much. I run an open top and just don't have any fish...
  2. scout

    120 Reef Ready

    Originally Posted by Al Mc It is nice in that size tank to have as much water circulating through your filters as possible. Run one pump with a 't' junction to 'return' water to two different places and two drain lines to your sump. Al, Thanks for the input. Is there any downside to have the...
  3. scout

    120 Reef Ready

    Looking at getting a 120 reef ready tank for a mixed reef(ie including sps). How important would it be to get two sets of holes drilled in the bottom of the tank? Is the plumbing significantly more difficult? Would I be better off to run it off one pump or two with two returns? Basically...
  4. scout

    is this light good enough for reef?

    I have a 29 biocube. I certainly wouldn't say the stock lights "suck". They are adequate for most, if not all, of the soft corals you would choose. You are right about the anemone though. They won't support that. After a year and a half with the stock PC I upgraded to the 150 watt Sunpod...
  5. scout

    What About A 120?

    Thanks for the input. I will probably go this route. Still like the idea of a six foot long tank but prefer the depth(front to back) of the 120. Not sure I am ready to move up to the 180 or 210 just yet but those certainly look like great tanks.
  6. scout

    What About A 120?

    I have been in the hobby for about two years and have two biocubes, a 29 and an 8 gallon. The 29 has metal halide lighting with a pretty wide assortment of coral including a little sps. I want something bigger(like everyone else) and was looking at the 120 gallon(four foot long) for a mixed...
  7. scout

    Playbox sand???

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy I bought 2500 pounds of Southdown when it was available. Caribsea Oolitic Premium is the same thing in a different package. Bang, Helpful as always. Thanks. Scout
  8. scout

    Playbox sand???

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy Just my opinion but I don't see anything wrong with Silica sand as long as it's pure Silica, doesn't have sharp edges, and is sugar sized. That said, I prefer oolitic, Carbonate based sand. Again it needs to be pure, rounded grains, and sugar sized. Bang Guy, Can...
  9. scout

    Salifert All In One

    Flricordia, Still happy with the Salifert all in one? Scout
  10. scout

    My 29 BioCube UPDATED PICS

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark Hi Scout, I answered your questions above in red... Thanks for looking. PD One more question(for now anyway). Did you cover your tank? If so with what. I have a oscellaris clown, longnose hawk and yellow watchman( I have heard that at least some of the...
  11. scout

    My 29 BioCube UPDATED PICS

    Perfect Dark Been following along and have continued to enjoy it. I have the BC 29 as well and have struggling with whether I wanted to get better lighting than the stock set. It has been up about a year and a half, changing the bulbs out every six months. Very happy with it and how it looks...
  12. scout


    Scopus and Reefthief, Thanks for the help. Scout
  13. scout


    I have a biocube 8 and a 29. I have never glued the corals to the live rock, just placed and wedged. This, of course doesn't always work perfectly. As I have added more corals(and more flow to the 29) I have had even more problems with corals getting moved by the snails/extra flow etc. I...
  14. scout

    New Fish Suggestions

    The flame hawkfish is a very striking red color. Stays near the bottom, lower that the clownfish will tend to spend their time. I have always liked them but haven't had one. I have a longnose hawk. Neat fish but not as brightly colored as the flame.
  15. scout

    14g biocube, had it about year and half..change bulbs?

    Yes, if you have corals. I have seen every 6-8 months reccomended, though some people go longer. You can't necessarily see what light it is not giving them. Now if it is fish only I am not sure since flourescents are ok for that. Scout
  16. scout

    Percula Clown question

    FWIW, my wife brought home a small percula that was a very light, faded appearing orange and I was concerned he wouldn't be as attractive as I hoped. Of course I acted like it was a great fish to avoid her wrath but the truth is it quickly became a deeper more typical orange and I have been...
  17. scout

    QT Tank

    Thanks alot. Will use those in the setup. Scout
  18. scout

    QT Tank

    I am going to put together a QT tank. I am looking for a 20 long and I guess will just have flourescent lights and of course get a heater. What kind of filtration/flow would be adequate for this. Specific brands and numbers would be appreciated. I not interested in overdoing it and spending...
  19. scout

    My 29 BioCube UPDATED PICS

    Perfect Dark, I have certainly enjoyed looking at your tank and going through the information in the threads. I have a Biocube 29 as well and wanted to ask a couple of questions. What size splitter did you use for the output elbow coming back into the tank? I thought that I saw where you used a...
  20. scout

    Test equipment

    Originally Posted by tschubert I am in the process of setting up a new 155 gallon Reef, have always used the standard Mardel 5in 1 and ammonia test kits with the 30 gal reef that I have had going with pretty good results. Nevertheless this new set-up I want to take to a new level, and am curious...