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  1. louti

    They're actually painting fish.....

    Originally Posted by NanoMantis In regards to the op, this is a fairly common practice. They have been injecting dye and other chemicals into fish for years and years now. You've seen painted glass tetras; the ones with blue/pink/purple/green/yellow/orange streaks across the dorsal ridge of an...
  2. louti

    Need Filtration Advice... Filter is breaking.

    If you are the do it yourself type, I would suggest making your own sump. You can make baffles that slow the water flow and have macro algaes in the sump. You can also leave room for your protein skimmer and other equipment you may wish to have. You can use a filter sock for mechanical...
  3. louti

    I got a WIIIIIII

    Originally Posted by meowzer LOL.....It comes with 1 wheel right? So did you have to buy a 2nd? You don't need a wheel to play. I personally never liked the wheel and am more comfortable just holding the controller.
  4. louti

    Auto feeders

    I've heard good things about the current aquachef, but have never used it. I don't trust any of them. I personally just don't feed anything if I'm gone for a week or less. I'd rather the fish go a little hungry than die from poor water quality from a feeder malfunction or human error if someone...
  5. louti

    I got a WIIIIIII

    Originally Posted by meowzer LOL...Just played some tennis, bowling and golf...practice anyway....I'm pooped HEEHEE OH...I guess you should not play right after dinner....;) are the Mario games good with WII? I love mario Mario Kart is by far the most fun game for it. You can play it a...
  6. louti

    Nitrate nightmare!!!

    How old is your test? They can go bad and give false high readings, especially for nitrates. How much/how often are you feeding? What kind of filtration do you have?
  7. louti

    Silversides for fishing

    Originally Posted by meowzer LOL....I can never get it to stay on the hook Pantyhose work great. Of course then the hard part is getting it off the hook.
  8. louti

    P-P-Powerbook Scam the scammer

    That was well worth reading. Very funny.
  9. louti

    Happy birthday cranberry!!!!!

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 I celebrate the anniversary of when I became a Texan. Which fortunately for me coincides with my birthday. And equals the amount of years I've been alive... Funny, I celebrate the day I left Texas.
  10. louti

    Silversides for fishing

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 I've been with people who do it, I just never had the guts what happens when a 50 pound catfish is inside that hole... Yeah, or a snake, snapping turtle, beaver...I'll stick to hook and line.
  11. louti

    Silversides for fishing

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 noodling is a Cajun and Mississippi thing isn't it? Personally I"d just grind it up and make some home made fish food... It's pretty big in Oklahoma. I met many people there who do it. They have a big noodling tournament there every year.
  12. louti

    Silversides for fishing

    You're not supposed to use bait to fish in Oklahoma. You're supposed to go hand fishin.
  13. louti

    What's with all the quakes?

    Global Warming. We've heated the earth so much with our carbon dioxide that the magma has become super heated and extra active.
  14. louti

    New pictures of my fish

    Very nice. How big is the queen?
  15. louti

    Algae Scrubber..who actually HAS one.

    Originally Posted by AquaKnight No water change is being done. When water evaporates, it is strictly H2O, well mostly. The containment in the tank water stay behind. You are slightly dilluting the water. 165gallons of water with 40 nitrates, with 5gals of 0 nitrate water add, reduces nitrates...
  16. louti

    Pufferfish and Corals

    Lionfish don't eat coral. Any puffer most likely will. As stated, the only lions suitable for a small tank are dwarfs, and the same with puffers.
  17. louti

    2nd Amendment limitations...

    Originally Posted by bionicarm What I define as 'gun fanatics' would disagree with you. Some owners of assault weapons justify ownership by stating they collect them, or use them for target practice. Others just say they don't really care to own one, but if they did want one, they could buy...
  18. louti

    Where can I buy the return pump for nano cube 24g?

    Originally Posted by lxxnp1234 Why do you think biocube is better than it? He asks for 100.00 with one light missing, no pump and no sponge......... But I didn't pay it yet. The Biocubes are made better. I hear of far less problems. Plus, the Nanocubes are tough to get parts for.
  19. louti

    coral banded shrimp lost his claws.....

    Yes, they will grow back, assuming whatever ripped them off doesn't finish him off first. He has smaller sets of claws that he feeds himself with, so he will be fine in that regard.
  20. louti

    Turtle Grass

    Ironic timing, but I just saw an online retailer selling it today.