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  1. fishonlyman

    cleanup crew?????????

    Well, I just thought I could use all of the help I could get.
  2. fishonlyman

    cleanup crew?????????

    A yellow wrasse
  3. fishonlyman

    cleanup crew?????????

    My tank is 55 gallons. I also do have very fine live sand.
  4. fishonlyman

    cleanup crew?????????

    Hi, everyone. I have a question. I want a small cleanup crew because I can't afford enough live rock. All the fish I want in the tank are fine with invertebrates, except for the yellow wrasse. Can I have some suggestio for a small cleanup crew? Please do not include any echinoderms( sea urchins...
  5. fishonlyman

    55 gallon FOWLR "diary"

    Well, one of the pieces of the live rock is less dense and has more filtering bacteria in it. And, after I add my clownfish in the big tank, I might put the live rock from my 15 gallon into the the 55.
  6. fishonlyman

    55 gallon FOWLR "diary"

    Good news! I finally lowered my specific gravity to the level I want it, which is 1.023 (Ok, not really I wanted it to be at 1.022, but the water quality is fair enough). I put my live rock in. The live rock is only about 15 pounds altogether, but I plan on just keeping a few small fish, which...
  7. fishonlyman

    55 gallon FOWLR "diary"

    OK, sorry. I guess I just want to put the clown in first. Also, does anyone here know about a good acclimation method besides drip acclimation?
  8. fishonlyman

    backup stocklist question.

    OK, but I am just asking, can I keep one of the smaller triggers in a specimen tank? My LFS has very good aquarists, and I told probably the best one there that I wanted to have a specimen tank for a trigger. He said that was a good idea. He also knew I have a 55 gallon.
  9. fishonlyman

    My girfriend wants to set up a 10 gallon, please help

    Yeah, coral shrimps are good. I remember I saw this big, humongous coral shrimp in a tank at my LFS. He was like 3 inches! Most coral shrimp don't make it past two inches. Also, if neon gobies don't satisfy your girlfriend because of their short lifespan, you could get a yellownose prawn goby...
  10. fishonlyman

    55 gallon FOWLR "diary"

    No, I have a test kit, but some people recommend a cheap fish to be added first in the tank, to see If their aquarium is ready for others, and I am putting my clown in as my first fish. Basically, it is my cycling fish.
  11. fishonlyman

    Yet another stocklist

    Maybe. There could be some minor competition among the damsels, not including the clowns. So, get like, 3 chromis, which are less aggressive than other damsels. They like to school. I don't know about maroon clowns, though.
  12. fishonlyman

    My girfriend wants to set up a 10 gallon, please help

    Not telling. But I am not in high school yet, I will tell you that. Getting sort of close, though. Also, get a peppermint shrimp. Mine is very good cleaning up. Mine also interacted with me. THey have great personality. Just some advice though, DO NOT GET URCHINS! They are big waste producers...
  13. fishonlyman

    55 gallon FOWLR "diary"

    Took pics of my tank. I can't show them right now. My specific gravity is sort of high. I'm lowering it to 1.022, which is my 15 gallons specific gravity. I'm not getting chromis to check if my cycling is done. I am going to put in my ocellaris clown.
  14. fishonlyman

    My girfriend wants to set up a 10 gallon, please help

    hah! I'm younger than both of you. (Don't ask me how old I am.)
  15. fishonlyman

    My girfriend wants to set up a 10 gallon, please help

    ok, If your tank isn't overstocked, you could buy her a blue chromis. When it gets to big for her tank, you could move the chromis into your tank. So, she could enjoy a blue fish in her tank, temporarily. Also, people don't have neon gobies for so long because they have a lifespan for about 2...
  16. fishonlyman

    My girfriend wants to set up a 10 gallon, please help

    I think have an Idea on how to get something blue in your girlfriend's tank. But, I need to know how big your biigest tank is in order for the plan to work.
  17. fishonlyman

    Hefner's 180 Thread

    Nice tank stocklist. Hope everything works out.
  18. fishonlyman

    Another Stock List (58 gallon)

    A marine betta is fine for a 58 gallon. But I would not recommend firefish, or a percula clown. They are at a small risk of being swallowed. A maroon clown should be okay, but add two at your own risk. (However, an increased chance of success is possible if you add them at the same time.) Marine...
  19. fishonlyman

    What tank stuff did you get for Christmas?

    I got 15 lbs of live rock, and 40 lbs of live sand to set up for my 55! Plus, I got 75 bucks, in which I will spend mostly on fish.
  20. fishonlyman

    Yellow wrasse care

    It's weird in fishkeeping. Fish always get creeped out by each other. Especially yellow wrasses. aren't they always in a state of paranoia? I hear that these wrasses also interact with their owners. How do they interact?