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  1. col

    Blennies and Gobies with CC

    As long as there is somewnere for them to hide if they need to. Have you cycled the tank, I presume it is a new set up.
  2. col

    Blennies and Gobies with CC

    Most will be fine. The only ones to watch are the ones that sift the sand like bklue cheek gobie.
  3. col

    hospital tank

    You can put sand in as long as you don't move it to your main tank. Some fish require a substrate (some wrasses etc) so by not putting any in you could stress the fish even more. It won't affect the medicine by trapping it.
  4. col

    Water change

    Leave the fish in the tank. Have the new saltwater mixed and up to temperature before you start.
  5. col

    Feather Duster trouble

    If it just lost it's feathers then they should grow back. They sometimes do this when they are stressed etc
  6. col

    Phosphate Problem

    I use Rowaphos
  7. col

    LFS water!!

    If you are having algae or cyano problems then you need to test and treat phophates.
  8. col

    EMERGENCY Help needed

    In that case you can't really treat your 75 gallon because it has stock in there (you would never put copper in your main tank anyway). I would use the water from your 75g and fill or part fill your 29g. Mix up some fresh salt water and get it to the right temperature to put in your 75g. A...
  9. col

    EMERGENCY Help needed

    Yeah, what else is in the 75g?
  10. col

    EMERGENCY Help needed

    2 1/2 gallon is a pretty small tank but you are stuck for choices really. Hyposalinity must be done properly (with a refractometer). It involves slowly lowering the salinity (SG) until it kills the ich and then slowly raising it again. If you use copper you will need to do it properly aswell...
  11. col

    I need to clean this tank up!!

    Astreas/turbos are very hit and miss. Mine do well for a while then start dying for no reason, then the rest are ok for a while, then another one or 2 die........
  12. col

    Grren Hair Algea Takeover- HELP!

    Nitrates/nitrites are normal range Nitrites should be zero - what are the exact readings for both? What is the phosphate reading?
  13. col

    LFS water!!

    Also, you need your own test kits rather than rely on the LFS. Have they tested for phosphates?
  14. col

    Setup New Tank From Old Tank

    Use as much from the established tank as you can. Is it possible to have the new tank set up before yopu move, how far is the move?
  15. col

    Red closed brain in tank with copper....NEED HELP QUICK!!!

    I have him in the frag tank (only softies in there now Copper is harmful to softiew aswell!
  16. col

    Hi PH with new rock

    If your tank is cycling then you cannot get a reliable test result for pH.
  17. col

    Super high ph Salt mix !

    What are you testing the pH with? What type of water are you using to mix the salt with, what is the pH of it before you mix the salt. It seems strange that you are having trouble with 2 lots of salt.
  18. col

    Live rock in freshwater?

    curiosity killed the live rock Excellent!!!
  19. col

    Green Alge

    Get a big time cleaner crew in there, (cleaner shrimp are priceless in this scenario). Cleaner shrimp will not touch nuisance algae - don't buy any expecting them to do this.