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  1. jerrybsal

    how much water

    When I moved a couple of years ago I purchased 20 6 gallon jugs at Walmart for like $6 each, small price to pay. It is a lot easier to move than a 30 gallon trash can full of water. I put all my rocks and sand in 5 gallon buckets with a liitle water and my fish also in buckets. I would save as...
  2. jerrybsal

    Computer UPS as backup power

    They work fine, just don't plug everything you own into it. Leave maybe a canister filter or powerheads. I have used them for about 8 years on my return pump from my sump and a powerhead and I test every few months.I have plugged in a Mag 9 and it will run about 8hrs. so plenty of time for power...
  3. jerrybsal

    Emperor Angel - Ich?

    I hope I am reading this wrong,is the angel in a QT. tank or is he still in the 120. I would NEVER add copper to the main tank, not only will it kill all of your LR it will remain in the system and one day bite you. Copper works wonders in a small tanks with no substrate and rock.Good luck.
  4. jerrybsal

    Clown Trigger

    125 will be fine, my Clown is going over 6 years in a 125 FOWLR with plenty of other fish and never a problem, Just keep him well fed.
  5. jerrybsal

    Anyone who has Sucessfully kept Tangs!!

    What kind of Tangs and what size tank do you have. I have a Powder Blue and a Naso going on 11 years and not a single ick has been on either fish since day one. They are in a 125 and they both eat very well. I soak their food 3 times a week in selcon and vita-chem, the Powder blue's color is so...
  6. jerrybsal

    Ok what do you think about this set up ??

    I disagree with a 150 being too small for an Emepror Angel, I have one in a 125 FOWLR and it will be 7 years this summer.As long as he has swimming room and clean water he should be fine. Tank by the way is 6' long.
  7. jerrybsal

    What's your oldest fish?

    Powder Blue Tang 11 years Naso tang 11 years Clown Trigger 6.5 years Emperor Angel 7 years SFE 5.5 years All are in a 125 and get along great. I had a lion in there for 7 years with them and was the size of a football, sold him last year he was getting too big and my hand could fit in his...
  8. jerrybsal

    blue hippo and powder blue?

    My powder blue is going on 11 years this summer and has never shown any aggression towards any other fish. I kept a Hippo for 7 years with him with no problems. He has now been with a Naso 11years, Clown Trigger 6years,Emperor Angel 8years and a SFE for over 5 years. PBT are great fish once they...
  9. jerrybsal

    Naso Tang looking weird

    I agree with the post above, most tangs will do fine if you take the time to QT. and feed properly. I have a Naso and Powder blue in a 125 going on 10 years this summer never an issue......
  10. jerrybsal

    Sick 10 year old lion fish

    I hate to see this guy suffer........I bought him when he was about 2" and 10 years later this guy is larger than a football. He has slowly been eating less over the last 3 months and this week I think the end is near he now just lays up against the rocks and every couple of hours he just freaks...
  11. jerrybsal


    With lots of LR and a big wetdry plus a big skimmer yes.That is pretty much the bioload Ive been running for several years with no problems.I would problably leave one of the first two tangs out . Ive got the naso ,PBT,lion ,SFE ,Clown trigger and a butterfly so it is possible. I have several...
  12. jerrybsal


    here is the shot of my 8year old naso only 8"
  13. jerrybsal


    The clown trigger and lion have been together a little over 3 years and the trigger has never touched the lion.Most people have problems with this combo. As far as the PBT being difficult this guy has been healthy since day one and eats ANYTHING that falls in the tank. My tangs love the...
  14. jerrybsal


    Ive had a naso and Powder blue for over 8 years in a 125 no problems..
  15. jerrybsal

    Post your aggressive tanks/ fish here!!!

    Here's my 125
  16. jerrybsal

    Nitrate,Nitrite,Amonia - Remover in a bottle

    All that stuff in a bottle is crap. Only profit for stores. A simple WC will lower all those and its cheaper and healthier.Dont add chemicals that only stick around in your tank..
  17. jerrybsal

    Ball Pickeling Lime question - Kalk

    SEE all this talk about pickle juice and you got me saying the wrong thing... Sorry its pickling lime
  18. jerrybsal

    Ball Pickeling Lime question - Kalk

    My walmart has that stuff, that is not what you are looking for. That is for making pickle juice in different flavors.Dont even try that stuff. I just went to the mrs.wages home page and bought 3 1lb. cans of pickling lime for like $9.00 inluding shipping.It took 4 days to get to my door I...
  19. jerrybsal

    Snails or crabs in sump??

    I have a FO setup with a wetdry and I seem to get some debri in the bottom of the sump. Has anyone tried any cleanup crew in their sump,If yes is it worth the effort of putting them in there???I have all aggressive fish so i cant have a cleanup in the main tank.I just thought a few snails or...
  20. jerrybsal

    Brand New Mag-drive Pumps

    Hey Marinerock, This is off the subject are you upgrading your system or just getting rid of everything? I always read all of your post in the past but I haven't seen anything lately....Good luck selling.