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  1. alf3482

    Sand Sifting

    Ditto SR, I also recommend the Tiger Tail Cuck.
  2. alf3482

    XENIA looks healthy but.......

    Sorry to be the one to say it but yellowing of this coral is an indication of Die off.:( Not neccessarly your fault Xenia some times does this. What is your SG, PH and Alk levels look like? These are all important factors with Xenia.
  3. alf3482

    Adding clams

    I am with nolofinwe on this. they store what they eat and discard the rest, I would say this would be a risk. JMO
  4. alf3482

    To skim or not to skim

    I also Ride The Fence on this one. I have Run two skimmerless tanks and 3 skimmed tanks. My oldest tank is 2.5 years old and has been skimmerless from day one. I see no real diffrence in these tanks. one is healthy as the other. HTH
  5. alf3482

    flower pot

    This is probably one of the hardiest corals to keep to date. the Mortality rate is above 98%. Most aquarist are unsuccessfull. Most starve in our tanks for lack of proper enviroment. these corals come from murky, nutrient rich waters. Over skimming has been suggested as a problem, meaning most...
  6. alf3482

    Which Gobies DSB safe

    Hi Deuce, long time no hear from, any way Most gobies are reef safe as stated but most are No DSB safe, most all will eat sand bed infuna till they are. The fire fish is one of the few exceptions, But are these really concidered a goby?? Not sue I really never did any research on them. But if...
  7. alf3482

    clam placement

    Max, and corcea clams are found on the rock's in Nature, Squamosa and Dereasa, are found on the sand floor in nature. I also keep the Hipopus Hipopus clam and they also are found on the sand floor in nature. I do how ever have a few Max on the sand but I place a rock under them so they have...
  8. alf3482

    caluerpa/refugium ????

    #1 what is your lighting? and how far is the light traveling to the Macro's? I do not do this but if you add a little Iron supplement the Macro will go crazy. Also are you prunning the macro's on a regular basis? this is important not only for growth but nutrient export. Please explain used up...
  9. alf3482

    new tank

    The feather duster's and cbs should be fine. Go for it.
  10. alf3482

    new tank

    Originally posted by chrisareston Thanks for the help! So what is reharvestable coral? Will coral multiply in my tank also? I look at coral as a rock! Also is the LS from ***** in a bag of water ok to use? It is about $29 for a 20 LB bag. Thanks For The help! not sure what they are saying...
  11. alf3482

    new tank

    Originally posted by chrisareston Thanks for the help! You say super glue or use epoxy for coral and anemones, plants etc? Or just coral? Do I need to take out the rock that I will be gluing them to out then glue them and replace the rock in the aquarium? Should I put the coral in with rock and...
  12. alf3482

    new tank

    Originally posted by cyberfins Now that you mentioned it what alternate source for nutrient removal would you use if you don't use a skimmer? Also what is the best way to filter, a power filter, a canister, what? I've decided not to use the 30 gal., but to get a 50 gal. I think I will be much...
  13. alf3482

    new tank

    Originally posted by chrisareston I am thinking of setting up a 30 gal salt water aquarium. I found A set up that comes with the tank, hood, chemicals, heater, salt, book and H2O tester for cheap at my local pet store. I plan on putting live rock, and LS. I found some LS at ***** that is in a...
  14. alf3482

    new tank

    Originally posted by jayster I would also appreciate additional response to cyberfin's inquiry. I too an a brand new sw fan. I started with a 28 gal bowfront, 20lbs live rock. 15lbs of gravel and canister filter. 100watt heater and a protien skimmer on the way. Three yellowtail blue damsels and...
  15. alf3482

    Bubbles coming from DSB

    Yep it is a good sign that the DSB is processing the nitrates. Glad to here it is coming along.
  16. alf3482

    Cleaner Shrimp.....

    Yep He molted. This is natural. You will see this happen around the new moon during lunar cycle. HTH
  17. alf3482

    new tank

    Think no less than 5 gals of tank for 1" of fish some will go as far as 10 gal vs 1" of fish depending on who you talk to. IMO The 30 gal is not suited for a tang. IMO a tang should be kept in a tank no less than 4' but most tang's I suggest 6' of tank, They need lots of swimming room. and a...
  18. alf3482

    Is it worth it

    Well when getting into SW from FW. My advice is to not confuse the two. they run nothing a like. Cheap and SW don't mix. You will have to spend more time with your SW tank then you would 10 FW. I have done both many years. I too thought how hard can it be I've been doing FW 20 years and boy was...
  19. alf3482

    My tank setup

    Here is some thoughts on lighting. Maybe this will help. I have more links to this very debated subject. But I have been ask by the administrators here not to post links to other sites. So if you would like more info e-mail me at: and I will give you some good links...
  20. alf3482


    OK I have kept a SH ranch. and most exp. sh keepers will tell you the 65 is to big. as stated above SH's are poor swimmers they loose intrest if they have to chase food for ever. The 10 gal would be suited for the dwarf species. The important thing for a sh tank is not volume. it's height. SH...