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  1. norcalreef

    Opinions Please!

    mushrooms and leathers do alright with moderate lighting. maybe zoanthids
  2. norcalreef

    Nor Cal

    I have some red mushrooms...I am looking for some ricordia
  3. norcalreef

    my 55 reef after 7 months

    It looks like bubble alage. Pick it out of your tank, try to not burst it.
  4. norcalreef

    hair algae

    Use a toothbrush to scrub the rocks and siphon out the alage that gets suspedned in the water. I had it bad on my rocks, after a couple weeks of scrubbing it was gone. I added a fuge also, I think that made a huge differce in absorbing the nutriences
  5. norcalreef

    Lighting problem?

    It all depends on what type of corals that you want to keep. SPS, LPS require different lighting than softies. The more advanced corals require better lighting. GO with the best that you can afford, that way you can keep them all if you want. Metal Halides can support all life, some do well...
  6. norcalreef

    Black Algae question

    what kind of filtration do you have?
  7. norcalreef

    Background color question?

    Dark Blue
  8. norcalreef

    UGH i don o wat to do

    We really need spell check!!! What do you mean, make a good home for a clown fish?
  9. norcalreef

    ? About kenya tree and finger leather.

    They will not take over your tank, but are rather dull looking corals. They are good as a 1st coral selection, but not if you are looking to add color
  10. norcalreef

    tank updates...lots o Pics

    Is that hair algae on the back of your tank? The sailfin has his work cutout for him...
  11. norcalreef

    Id Plz...

    Yup bristle worm, I would not remove it they are benfical and add diversiy to the sand bed.
  12. norcalreef

    my new swa/ some pics and questions

    I believe that Flame Scallops are not all that hardy. They filter feed and will need you to supplement them with phyto to survive.
  13. norcalreef

    New Zoos 6-Pack

    WOW, very nice. :yes:
  14. norcalreef

    First reef tank

    Good start, I would remove that fake background and replace it with an all blue one. Just a personal preferance
  15. norcalreef

    Tyree Neon Green polyp toadstool

    Just received a frag of it today, will post pics when the polyps start to extend. Anyone else have one?
  16. norcalreef

    Toadstool Frag question

    Can I use super glue to attach a frag of a toadstool leather? I have done this with SPS but did'nt know if the super glue would affect the softies differently
  17. norcalreef

    power heads

    I agree Maxi's are the best, I went with the 900's 235 gal p/hr with very little wattage needed
  18. norcalreef

    Are you allowed to do a 9-Pack???

    how many different kinds of tangs do you have in there?
  19. norcalreef

    Green Toadstool Leathers Rare?

    IF your LFS has the green polyp toadstool leathers, those are rare. I have seen them go for $60 for a 1/4 inch frag.
  20. norcalreef

    New reef time lapse progression

    that colt it huge:eek: