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  1. katiev

    Wisdom Extracted...

    Originally Posted by tahoetanks Apricot or peach baby food rocks for dental work. That is if you didn't plan ahead and eat real food while you couldn't feel your face-even though the dentist tells ya not too. My fiance thought it would be okay to eat "real food" the day after he had his...
  2. katiev

    chromis schooling in 220

    Anthias would be beautiful -- and they do best in schools. If you have your heart set on chromis, I'd agree with mixtimp.
  3. katiev

    Ain't that something?

    Don't feel too bad -- eventually, all those people will be suffering a nasty, fish-killing swamp while your basking in the joyous rays of beautiful tank-dom. No worries.
  4. katiev

    My Queen anthias finally ate something besides cyclopeeze!

    Beautiful! And congrats on getting him to start eating meaty food -- you've won the battle, so to speak. Hopefully he takes to other stuff, too.
  5. katiev

    my new longnose hawkfish pic

    Cool. From what I've read, they're fun fish to keep. I'm going to be getting a longnosed hawkfish, too, when my 55 is ready -- along with a fuzzy dwarf lion and SFE. :)
  6. katiev

    ??next Fish??

    You could have a coral beauty, pygmy, or flame angel in a 46g. Reef-safe is hit or miss with small angels; from what I've seen, a coral beauty would be your best bet -- and they're beautiful fish.
  7. katiev

    brothers going to iraq

    My brother-in-law is going to Iraq for the second time, coming up pretty quick. He's in Kansas right now, though -- recently (re)moved from El Paso, Texas. We miss him! :(
  8. katiev


    I lurked, only because I had a Yahoo e-mail account and couldn't register. My mom gave me an e-mail address from one of her domains after a week or two of lurking. A lot of people will say, why does my thread have 265 views but only 10 comments? -- I think a lot of that is those sneaky lurkers. :P
  9. katiev


    My cats never cough up hairballs -- at least, I haven't heard them do it or seen the aftermath. One of them barfed awhile ago, but that's it for him. The other makes the noises like she's going to, but nothing comes up. I guess I got defective cats. Ugh, fur. I vacuum, for the most part...
  10. katiev

    Mixing Salts???

    No problem would arise from mixing what little you have left of one salt into a new bag of different salt. Go ahead. :)
  11. katiev

    Taming a Trigger

    That would defeat the purpose of quarantining -- he needs to be in a tank completely separate from the display tank and the rest of your fish, in case he is carrying a parasite or shows some sign of ill health during the quarantine period. Sorry -- but you'll have to see how he gets along with...
  12. katiev

    75g list help

    Originally Posted by Rslinger No reaply because nobody here thinks that there is a agr. or a puff that will live a long life in a 75 gallon. but i think maybe one of the smaller lions. Toby puffers would be fine in 75g. Also, a fuzzy dwarf lion, snowflake eel, zebra eel, and fu manchu lion...
  13. katiev

    snake oops

    Is it possible to keep all the cats in a separate room until you find the snake? Look very literally EVERYWHERE -- even where you wouldn't think the snake could get into. Sorry I can't offer you more advice.
  14. katiev

    Catheter Ablation: Opinions/Experience?

    Thanks, everyone. Yes, medical science is definitely amazing. It was pretty painful during the procedure, but there was someone standing by my head the whole time asking me if I was comfortable, too hot/cold, needed more pain medicine, etc. The hospital staff was wonderful and I thanked them all...
  15. katiev

    Katie's 55g Tank Diary

    Bump! :)
  16. katiev

    Looking for a new pet

    Originally Posted by Huma Huma6 One place I would hate to live is in CA My stepmom smuggled a sugar glider from Florida into California about seven years ago. ...It was quite thrilling, but not worth it -- he wasn't a very friendly fella, and he always peed on us. I think we should have gotten...
  17. katiev

    Katie's 55g Tank Diary

    Thanks a lot! I'm rather proud of it. I'm buying more rock on Friday and doing my aquascaping, so I'll post an update then. The stand was stained this rather unpleasant orange color -- it definitely had to go. Also, a lot of the rock was homemade, and I prefer a more natural look -- so I'm...
  18. katiev

    True or False game

    False, The next person has licked a slug/snail...