Search results

  1. zafirablanca

    Emerald Crabs...

    Drop them some sinking pellet type food, they will eat all types. I have fed mine shrimp pellets, bottom feeding fish pellets and carnivore pellets. They will eat just about anything you drop in for them. I target feed mine like this a once or twice a week, just to keep them from exploring...
  2. zafirablanca

    if your a Marine biologist Click Here need help fast!!

    plant biology and pathology, here
  3. zafirablanca

    Crab ID

    I really cant see the body in your photo. But, the legs look kind of like my porcelain crab's. I have alot of these in my tank, and some are pretty small. They have broad flat claws and use little 'fans' to scoop water into their mouth. These are good guys so I hope that this is what you...
  4. zafirablanca

    waterflow vs turnover.

    Have you thought about coverting your overflow to a Durso Standpipe? It is the solution to noisy overflows. Look here: I am assuming that your overflow is built-in. If not (like mine) I use two overflows, Marineland Tidepool SOS. Little noise. The benefits...
  5. zafirablanca

    Pistol Shrimp Spawning?

    I was in a rush to get to work this morning and quickly turned the lights on in my aquarium. I almost walked away, but something caught my eye. There was a HUGE swarm of something in the tank. I ran to wake up my husband and we stared at what looked like Sea Monkeys (?)! They were small...
  6. zafirablanca

    waterflow vs turnover.

    With a tank that big, why not plumb both a refugium and sump into your system? I have a 125 g and that is what I did in my tank stand cabinet. I have the higher flow going through my sump. This is also where I have my skimmer and heater. I have my submersible pump going full tilt here and...
  7. zafirablanca

    Hitchhiker IDs please

    I didn't even see # 4! Now that I scrolled over there... 4 - It is hard to tell, But I think that it may be a Porcelain crab. Does it have little 'fans' that it waves toward its mouth? If so it is a porcelain crab. I got tons of these on my FL aquacultured LR. They are good guys and a nice...
  8. zafirablanca

    housing for a peacock mantis shrimp

    There is a Mantis Shrimp expert over at Reef Central in their 'Mantis Shrimp' Forum. Im sure he can help. Good Luck, -Christine
  9. zafirablanca

    Bug of the Week - What's Next?

    How about Spaghetti Worms? -Christine
  10. zafirablanca

    Hitchhiker IDs please

    My guesses: 1 - looks like a nudibranch 2- looks like a brown mithrax crab. I got lots of these on my LR. They seem like busy little cleaners, no trouble at all. They groom my LR and even reach pull hair algae off the glass. 3 - Urchin, slate pencil urchin maybe?
  11. zafirablanca

    pistol shrimp too noisy?

    I don't know if we have Southdown sand here. I bought expensive Carib Sea sand before Id ever heard of Southdown, -oh well. I know nothing about any hostility toward Canadians here. But, I live in a pretty diverse metropolitain area. Maybe up near the border in hicksville they act like...
  12. zafirablanca

    pistol shrimp too noisy?

    I have three in my 125 gallon reef tank. They were hitchikers on my LR. They do not make much for noise at all. Just an occasional click and usually when I am near the tank fussing. They are very, very shy, but very pretty. I want to get a goby to put in my tank now, backwards to most...
  13. zafirablanca

    HH ID: Coral?

    Could this be a Rose Coral, Mancina areolata? Anyone know about this type? Thanks, Christine
  14. zafirablanca

    HH ID: Coral?

  15. zafirablanca

    HH ID: Coral?

    Another photo:
  16. zafirablanca

    HH ID: Coral?

    Hello all! I would appreciate some help with this one. This is a hitchicker that came with some Florida Aquacultured Live Rock that I received about 6 weeks ago. It seems firmy attached to the rock and hasn't tried to move. It was originally circular and about the size of a dime. I have been...
  17. zafirablanca

    Rising Temperature

    You will have to play with the settings on your heaters until they stabilize at a temperature that you want. For the most part, you can't just set them according to the guage on the heater, drop them in and forget about it. Adjust the heater settings, wait a day for it to stabalize and see...
  18. zafirablanca

    what brand of kalk do you use?

    I do the same as Barracuda, Kents, RO/DI, 1 tsp/gal, auto topoff. I would like to try Mrs. Wages next, though. Significant $$ difference! -Christine
  19. zafirablanca

    Rock to Rock

    I have heard that epoxy putty works for this, as well.
  20. zafirablanca

    LFS in minnesota

    Oh yeah, there is a LFS in Hopkins near 169 on Excelsoir Blvd. I cant think of the name right now. I haven't been there recently, but I know they have some marine stuff.