Search results

  1. hillbilly

    best snails for algae control on glass?

    Originally posted by fishfreek: <STRONG>predator, are you serious, your conch cleans your glass??? Thats really weird! I don't have one as of yet but most say they don't even venture on to LR. </STRONG> My conch goes on the live rock and glass quite often. It must depend on the individual...
  2. hillbilly

    I do water changes...

    About 15% monthly, religiously! First Monday of the month. Hillbilly
  3. hillbilly

    Lights or Moonlight?????

    I would have the actinics on longer by 1/2 to 1 hr before and after the daylights. Sort of a dawn/dusk simulation. Hillbilly
  4. hillbilly

    Starfish has a wierd problem

    I've never used an acclimation of under 2 hrs even for a guppy. Acclimation is simple and important but too often shorcuted. If You want it to live, take Your time. The world will not end if Your new prize is not free swiming for a few hours. Hillbilly
  5. hillbilly

    Is anyone sick of me??????

    I too am relativly new to reefs thus I ask more than I answer. That's OK and one of the main points of a board such as this one. Educating the beginer. With time We will become answerers if we stick to the hobby and gain knowlege. I participate in another board (different subject) where I...
  6. hillbilly

    Are hermits bad?

    In my experience..... Hermits don't eat Your Corals, they will munch on the algae on them. They will kill snails and each other. Blue legs seem to be worse for this than the scarlets. If I had it all to do over again I would nix the blue legs and only get scarlets. I suppose I shouldn't opt...
  7. hillbilly

    switching to dsb

    I switched from CC to a 4 1/2" DSB. Did it all at once, and couldn't be happier. I think it looks better and according to popular oppinion will provide for a more diverse fauna population. Ammonia spike was minimal due to a large amount of live rock. Don't get me wrong. I used CC as a...
  8. hillbilly

    Thankyou Starfish

    I'm far from an expert but to my knowledge many if not most starfish are nocturnal. My green brittle star is far more active in the dark. Hillbilly
  9. hillbilly

    Fading color

    Is it being chased a lot by the other damsel? If so It may be feeling stressed which can cause it's color to fade. If this is the case the color will return soon when it's feeling more secure. If your tank is still cycling it could be stressed from ammonia or nitrite levels being high. Should...
  10. hillbilly

    What's Your favorite coral food.

    Thanks for your input. I have been considering one of the comercial preparations. Think I will try that alternateing with a home-made mix. I have a store with a very extensive seafood counter close to me so ingredients for a frozen food are no problem. I used to keep Discus (thinking about...
  11. hillbilly

    What's Your favorite coral food.

    What do You use to feed Your corals besides good lighting? I have been feeding my zoanthids frozen brine from a syringe. They seem to enjoy it. Now I have a bubble coral which seems not to be built to accept this type of feeding. What do You use to feed such "filter feeders"? Hillbilly [...
  12. hillbilly

    raise your own food?

    Hatching and raising brine is easy. All you need is a container such as a 5 gal aquarium or even a quart jar and an air pump with stone large enough to provide Very Brisk airation. Non Iodized table salt can be used to mix the water. Pulverized flake food will do for feeding them. Hillbilly
  13. hillbilly

    pc lights

    I agree. Pc lights should be as close as you can get them without grtting them wet. The sand thing.... If You have any other substrate such as crushed coral remove it all. Don't try to mix or layer them. Hillbilly
  14. hillbilly

    setting up crushed coral and sand bed

    Amen to that. I was in the same boat. Cycled tank with lr on cc. It killed me but I pulled the 4" of CC out completly and replaced with 4 1/2" of sand. I had fish, invertabrates, zoanthids, and mushrooms in the tank at the time. The ammonia spike was minimal and short lived due to the live...
  15. hillbilly

    Deep Oceans Sea Salts.... Anyone tried?

    I have only used Instant Ocean Salts. A lfs is pushing Deep Oceans salts. Anyone tried this product? :rolleyes: I'm reluctant to switch but this source is much more convinient for me. hillbilly [ December 25, 2001: Message edited by: Hillbilly ]
  16. hillbilly

    What's an algae scubber system

    An algae scubber is an illuminated chamber seperate from your tank that has a large population of algae growing in it. Water from your tank is circulated through it and the algae consumes nutrients. The algae is periodicly cut back and harvested removeing the nutrients from your system. hillbilly
  17. hillbilly

    I took a bath in RO water!

    Bathing in RO....Ah the life of the rich and excentric! ;) LOL Hillbilly
  18. hillbilly

    To Dip Live Rock in Fresh Water or not to that is the Question

    Dipping in FW will not explode bristle worms. It will cause a lot of life both positive and negative such as Bristle Worms and Mantis Shrimp to evacuate the rock. Bristle worms are considered by many to a good thing if you have a sand bed. Mantis Shrimp on the other hand are notorious killers...
  19. hillbilly

    Keys live sand

    Brownstown. About 15 miles south of Detroit.
  20. hillbilly

    Keys live sand

    I am establishing a deep sand bed in a standard 20 gal high. So far I have put in 20lbs of argonite sand and 20 lbs of argonite with the bacteria. I am now thinking of adding 20 lbs of's Keys live sand. Anyone here have experience with it. Does it have a good number of...