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  1. floatingfish

    Fish selection help

    sound like you got a pretty good roster going so far. i always wanted a flame hawk, just wish they weren't so aggresive towards Crustaceans. IMO you should have your hands full with just what you have. I'm a special breed though, i only have three small fish in a 46 gal :notsure:
  2. floatingfish

    My First Tank

    your star and urchin are going to starve with out anything to eat. you will need to obtain a lot of live rock to manage keeping even one of those alive. if you are dead set on keeping them you need to figure out how to spot feed them some type of algea.
  3. floatingfish

    Fish List for my 3 foot 58 gal

    no go on the spotted mandarin dragonet either. in a fifty-eight gallon there will not be enough food unless you plan on raising live food somehow and spot feeding him. some have been known to take mysis shrimp and flakes with time and patience, but it a far shot. i have also heard horror...
  4. floatingfish

    LR aqua scaping question

    you always have the option of spliting it in two or more pieces. Or just start a new tank. I would take that as a sign from above that its about that time to build a new tank.
  5. floatingfish

    what to do with a 20g long?

    just get a mantis, and line the inside of the tank with plexiglass if you do the zoos i would love to hear about it as well as see it. maybe a breeder tank as well, thats something i would do.
  6. floatingfish

    Can I get a trigger for my 55g?

    Garfunkle, is this still going to be your main line up? Your coral and six line could be your two show fish. they will always be running around in plain site. Coral Beauty -2 Fiji Tomato clowns -3 green chromis -diamond goby -LMB -Six Line Wrasse
  7. floatingfish

    Anyone made shelves for LR with acrylic??

    do you mean flat sheet of plexiglass when you say acrylic?
  8. floatingfish

    Anyone made shelves for LR with acrylic??

    i have been contemplating doing the same thing just with some sort of egg crate stuff. that way i could still have good flow to all areas. i would like to see how it turns out if you go for it.
  9. floatingfish

    Can I get a trigger for my 55g?

    good suggestion, i didnt even think of that. Garfunkle, you are just going to have to tweak your fish list to accomidate a lion fish.
  10. floatingfish

    went to the aquarium

    i saw this yellow jawfish. he looked like he was in great condition. he was about 5"
  11. floatingfish

    CC star and Pink tip Haitian anemone?

    i dont know who would win that battle, but you deffinatly dont want a dead anemone in your tank. i think CC are trouble for corals i have never heard anything about anemones. someone will know
  12. floatingfish

    Can I get a trigger for my 55g?

    i think the best you can do is a dwarf angels. just go searching for fish that spark you interest and find out how big it gets. triggers usually get really big and are aggresive toward snail, shrimp, and small fish.
  13. floatingfish

    Newbie help~reef feeding, powerheads & anemone sick

    that anemone looks like a long tentacle anemone. from what i can see from the pic there seems to be some sort of loose skin or something, no idea what that is. do you tend to move it alot or just leave it alone? really cant support two 12" stars in a 55 gal. what are you planning to do...
  14. floatingfish

    Learned a hard lesson...

    how long of a distance was it from the water level to the lid of the tank? i always wanted a midas blenny, sorry for your loose.
  15. floatingfish

    My new Shrimp :)

    that thing is simply incredible. i hope it does well. i have always wanted some type of colorful and cool looking shrimp. good find
  16. floatingfish

    Chaeto dying. Questions?

    i currently have some macro but not any cheato, but mine turns white in parts that are growing. that might not be it just thought i would throw it out there.
  17. floatingfish

    hitchhiker tank.....hum

    yep, i am looking forward to finding all sorts of critters.
  18. floatingfish

    Need HELP with tank decision

    what kind of attention you pay to cleaning the tank your self and the quality of your clean-up crew will be the main factor on the tanks appearence. Sorry....but i think that the price for the 28gal is really high. when i was considering buying one for my wife i think it was in the neighborhood...
  19. floatingfish

    Newbie help~reef feeding, powerheads & anemone sick

    first can you post a pic in this thread as well to help us help you. Also i have to say 1 urchin and 2 stars in a 55 gal, that is going to be a real big problem when those stars get full grow and the urchin damages you coral. you probably should not even have one fo those, much less all three...
  20. floatingfish

    went to the aquarium

    awsome, i think you hit it right on the button. that was a very interesting fish. maybe one day i will research its specific needs and obtain one. until then i can always just go back to the aquarium. thanks