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  1. tlk

    A new colony

    Definitely NOT aptasia. Some type of tube feeder. When I blow water across the area, they all retract and then come back out.
  2. tlk

    A new colony

    I am not sure what they are called but they look really cool. I just noticed them the other day.
  3. tlk

    I've Got My Eye on You!

    awesome picture Bang Guy!
  4. tlk

    Protein Skimmers and trace elements

    so I should be ok as long as I do regular water changed (even with ro/di)? Based on Bang Guy's report, should I add calcium to the tank?
  5. tlk

    ID please

    can you get a closer pic or circle the object you want ppl to look at?
  6. tlk

    swf water?

    Originally posted by MommaFish Trying to learn all I can! :D The only dumb questions are the ones you DONT ask!
  7. tlk

    mornin' reef forum...

    Cool picture NM Reef. What kind of camera?
  8. tlk

    Fuzzy Mushroom !!!!

    do you have any critters in your tank that may be walking over them? Mine retract when the hermits are doing their hermit thing on or around him.
  9. tlk

    Protein Skimmers and trace elements

    If I am running a ps 24/7, what trace elements am I removing from my system? Should my ps run 24/7? If it matters, I am running a Berlin 25-250 ho skimmer
  10. tlk

    60 gallon tank need some help.

    Good luck getting them out to give to your friend. They are very good at hiding in the rocks. As for your readings, amonia, trites and trates need to get down to zero BEFORE you add anything else. Good luck to those 9 damsels, and welcome to the board.
  11. tlk

    cabbage high

    Originally posted by MichaelTX thats a kewl shape for a cabbage. how long have you had it? Mike I have had this for 2 months now.
  12. tlk

    cabbage high

    Since we are showing our leathers.....
  13. tlk

    cabbage high

    How high in the rocks should my cabbage leather be? I am running 4x65pc along with an additional 110pc. I just added some lr and moved it up from around 12 inches from the surface to around 5 inches from the surface. The lights are approx 3 inches off the surface.
  14. tlk

    Can You Believe This ?

    Originally posted by Dacia You know, after seeing the end of the movie, why didn't Bloat's spines just pop his bag? He is a porcupine puffer, and he did inflate... :D I am not reading any more, still haven't seen the movie....:cool:
  15. tlk

    Aptasia and Boiling Water

    Originally posted by Kipass4130 no more aptasia... and no more anything else either if you are worried about boiling water in your tank... 1/2 ml isnt gonna do anything unless you shoot it at the wrong targer :( Yes, i should point out that the area around the aptasia also went bye bye. I...
  16. tlk

    Anthocauli ???

    online dictionary has: necrosis /ne"kr:ss/ noun death of tissue. necrotic /-"krt-/ adjective. so why not just RTD...."Rapid Death of Tissue". These big words are difficult for us unedjumakated folks:D
  17. tlk

    Anthocauli ???

    Originally posted by tlk RTN?? Rapid tissue necrosis Still don't know what it is though
  18. tlk

    Anthocauli ???

  19. tlk

    Aptasia and Boiling Water

    I had a qt tank set up, pulled out the infected rock, and dumped boiling water on it. no more aptasia. have NOT tried that in my main display tank
  20. tlk

    And so it begins

    can't tell from the picture, but I would add a few powerheads now to help ensure the salt gets completely dissolved since you added it directly to the tank. Also not a fan of epozy, but have seen people use those nylon "chords" to hold the rock together. overtime, corraline will grow over it...