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  1. chevcam

    post ur pics of clowns and anenomes

    Bring in the clowns
  2. chevcam

    Tank 1 year old!!!!

    90 gal with left over damsel hard to catch. He deserves to live after cycling "That was before I found out about using a shrimp"
  3. chevcam

    heres a change post pics of ur dogs!

    Cody And Courtney
  4. chevcam

    heres a change post pics of ur dogs!

    1 Year Old!!!
  5. chevcam

    heres a change post pics of ur dogs!

  6. chevcam

    Low calcium kill snails?

    Turbo snails and temp is 82
  7. chevcam

    how much did you water bill jump using

    I have not really noticed any real change in my water bill 50 to a 100 gals a mounth is really not that much. I waste more than that running the hose while washing the car. No thats not wastefull since it has been raining 45 of the last 50.....days here.
  8. chevcam

    Low calcium kill snails?

    My alk is at 10 and a few of them are upside down so i'm not sure if they are dead or not?
  9. chevcam

    Low calcium kill snails?

    I just noticed a few of my lg snails look dead. I checked all my water perameters, and the only reading that is low is calcium and mag. My calcium reads around 300, and mag at 1180. I know that is low so I did a water change but would that kill my snails?
  10. chevcam

    My nasu tang acting wierd???

    water is great plus all other fish are doing great have not lost a fish in a long time.As I remember he was not a great eater to begin with kinda picky.
  11. chevcam

    My nasu tang acting wierd???

    I noticed my naso tang acting funny tonight. one moment he is swimming fine and the next he is on his side with all his fins out. then back to swimming. I have noticed him not eating like he should in the last couple of days. I have had him about a month now.
  12. chevcam

    fire fish hiding come out come out where ever you are..

    Thanks, just this last weekend a few of them poped out but they are very skidish :happyfish
  13. chevcam

    Confused about killer Powerheads

    I have two aquaclear 70 and have lost two fish I then found some sponges and that helped till the other day I my wife called me and aparantly the sponge fell off somehow and my 5 inch naso tangs face was being suck off. Thankfully she caught it in time and she saved it his eye was poped out a...
  14. chevcam

    fire fish hiding come out come out where ever you are..

    I just purchaced 4 fire fish and I acclimated them slowly. I did this with the main lights off and just the house lights on. They were swimming around doing just great, but when I turned on the main light they freaked out darting all over the tank and then into hidding. It's been three days now...
  15. chevcam

    How many power head.?

    I do have a sump and I have really good flow into the main tank as for dead spot that is what i'm tring to find out . I'm fighting the red slime algea problem now and I read that good water flow will help with out breaks. as for my power heads they are the aquaclear 70 not sure on the flow rate...
  16. chevcam

    How many power head.?

    I have a 90 gal wave tank. My question is how many power heads should i have and where in the tank should I place them. Right now I have two and they are both pointing to the center one a little higher then the other one.
  17. chevcam

    red algea out of control

    Thanks I would appreciate that info. I use ro/di water all my water readings are good. PH 8.3 Amonia 0 Nitrate 10 or below I do water changes twice a month just to freshen water not because of nitrate. every time i try to clean it off my rocks and plants it seems to spread.
  18. chevcam

    red algea out of control

    Does anyone know how to get rid of red algea it is all over the rocks , plants and it forms bubble on my live rock.
  19. chevcam

    Red hair like algea how to get rid of it?

    :mad: Does anyone know how to get rid of this red hair like algea, not sure what it is called but it also looks like little bubbles.It seems to spread all over the tank and consumes my live rock and sand??
  20. chevcam

    new fish dying old fish doing great???

    I think the maxed out with two many fish is what I was thinking ,its like the old fish have adapted well and the new fish get to stressed out. I saw that you should change the rocks around but I dont want to mess anything up. Right now I have 12 small reef fish in a 90 gal tank that includes...