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  1. anoepheli

    Injured Damsel Question

    The color looks excellent. I'd just make sure to keep him eating, maybe something nutrient enriched to help the healing. Damsels are ridiculously indestructable.
  2. anoepheli

    Another Ich question

    UV may help QT will definitely help. Just provide cover in the QT. Perhaps low levels of formalin or copper sulfate. Make sure they keep eating. However, if the fish don't seem disturbed, it may not be worth pulling them o ut. Consider a skunk cleaner shrimp rather than any sort of more messy...
  3. anoepheli

    Hippo Tang possibly with Ich

    One thing you may have success with is the formalin dip. Use aquarium water, and make up a solution of ~200ppm formalin. Net the tang and dip him. Leave him in the water for no longer than sixty minutes, if that. Keep watch over the poor Hippo, and if he starts stressing out, put him back in the...
  4. anoepheli

    coral beuty problems

    Lymphocystis is a viral disease, by my understanding. And it usually hits mouth, gills and fins. It's not really positioned for that, and it's far too large to be an Ich cyst. I'm stumped. Ideally, let the angel go, Coral Beauty angels are rather hardy. If he starts behaving oddly, not eating...
  5. anoepheli

    How Venomous is a lion

    We had a Volitan the size of a beach ball at one point in our store. He developed a grudge against most of the employees, and he'd actively try to stick people who got near his tank. He got one of my coworkers, who claims it wasn't all that bad. Most small lionfish though are incredibly...
  6. anoepheli

    Coral Beauty with Glassy Eye

    This is almost certainly a trauma. The fish bumped into something, possibly in the dark. If both eyes balloon or 'pop' out, that's probably bacterial, and you should quarantine and give him a broad spectrum antibiotic, Maracyn-Two is fairly decent. However, one eye rules that out. Just keep a...
  7. anoepheli

    Koran and Sailfin ?

    My Sailfin will go for Formula 1 pellets and red dried seaweed with equal vigor.
  8. anoepheli

    seahorse question?

    The smallest anyone my store has heard of doing seahorses in is 20 gallons, and it was a smaller species. We keep a couple species of seahorses in one of coral tanks. What you should watch out for in a nano tank is the overpowered pump. Direct that flow in such a way that you don't toss the poor...
  9. anoepheli

    ATTN: Skimmerless Reefers!

    I've heard of using a chemical oxidizer to consume the organic wastes in a tank. Dangerous stuff, but it can substitute and it's easy to neutralize if you use too much
  10. anoepheli

    Hippo tang help!!

    Hippo tangs are ich prone to say the least. Assume he perpetually has a mild infection. In my experience, build up some hiding places, let him roam the main tank. If it starts getting bad, pull him out and administer copper sulfate or begin hypoing. My tang refused to eat in the quarantine. So...
  11. anoepheli

    Okay to restart?

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz I am not really sure what you mean here. A few days after I put the coral in and got store water went in,, I went back to the store and basically everything they had was dead due to some sort of bio filter problem. I'm assuming there was some ich in the water as...
  12. anoepheli

    Snail staying at top of tank - warning sign?

    It could be just an oddity or a response to being put in a new tank if he was in another one. I have one Turbo snail who has claimed one corner of the tank, and just wanders up and down that corner over the course of a day.
  13. anoepheli

    Questions about building a sump.

    Size of sump is really depedent on the size of the tank. You could use a plastic tub. My system is a bit of a hack job, and doesn't have the baffeling that is ideal. Essentially It's a tub with an input on one end from an overflow, and a series of filtration pads suspended along the legnth that...
  14. anoepheli

    ok.. what should i do with this ich i have... help please

    My setup for a QT is one of these: http://www.*****.com/Assets/product_...083820092B.jpg They run about 8-10 dollars at a *****, most of them have a hole in the top for running airline tubing in. Throw in a few small pieces of rocks to give the fish some cover, and use a disposable sponge/carbon...
  15. anoepheli


    It's possible that Ick Guard uses a chemical like Malachite Green, or something similar that. You might try a medication containing 5-nitroimidazoles, lick Kick-Ich, which I've heard recommended, but didn't have much success with personally. Maybe you'll have better luck. What I've heard...
  16. anoepheli

    Okay to restart?

    I've got a 30 gallon tank that's been running for about six months now. At the beginning of April I had a massive ich outbreak after putting my first coral in (leaked some store water into the tank). It turns out the store was on the verge of a massive filtration failure and unfortunately I let...
  17. anoepheli

    Parting out 75 Gallon in St. Louis

    I'm interested in the UV Sterilizer. Please email at, area code 92612, if it's still available
  18. anoepheli

    Suitable Llighting Question

    My current setup is a 30 gallon glass tank with about 25 lbs of live rock and some mixed dead, but real, rock and a sand substrate. The tank has been set up for two and a half months and is equipped with ~5 gallon sump. There's no protein skimmer at the moment. I got a used Seaclone 100...
  19. anoepheli

    Sale:Protein Skimmer

    Am interested, in zip 92612. Will you accept personal check or would you prefer money order? Emal at
  20. anoepheli

    can i use a old snake tank?

    I honestly wouldn't recommend it. My room mate gave me a reptile tank. I had it filled up with 20 gallons of saltwater and in the middle of the night the glass pane on the bottom split in half lengthwise and dumped all the water into my carpet. Not a good wakeup call at 4 AM.