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  1. xokarmaxo

    Sleeping Clowns

    Totally normal! I remember when I got my first percula. Walked into my office and the lights were not on yet and I peeked in the tank and my heart sank to the bottom because it looked like my little clown was dead and floating at the top of the water. I didn't see any movement. Then when I...
  2. xokarmaxo

    * ~ Help! Opinions needed! ~ *

    Okay... got my response. He wants $200 extra. Keep in mind that I am not getting this from another hobbyist, but from a LFS who informed me that after I get this one, they will set up another one and sell it also. They said that they do this all the time (set up tanks with corals, etc.) and that...
  3. xokarmaxo

    * ~ Help! Opinions needed! ~ *

    Thanks so much for your input, New2Salt1. I haven't gotten a response from him yet, but what he told me to do was put down how much I paid for each coral and then add 25% to that cost because he said that the corals would have increased in value and to take off 25% for what I paid for my tank...
  4. xokarmaxo

    * ~ Help! Opinions needed! ~ *

    Jessica, Thanks so much for your response and for the compliment. I'm going to wait and see what the "work something out" thing means too. If we can do an even trade, I think I'll do it. When I suggested selling my own tank, but not knowing what to ask for it, he was the one who suggested...
  5. xokarmaxo

    * ~ Help! Opinions needed! ~ *

    First of all, forgive the photo quality... I took these today with my cell phone. I have a 14 gallon Biocube that was set up on January 16th. Photo is below: Everything is going perfect. Livestock all healthy; everything/everybody gets along. All of my corals are full-size corals versus nano...
  6. xokarmaxo

    My 29 BioCube UPDATED PICS

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark Hi Xok, Good to hear from you.. no unfortunatly my Midas Blenny did a peter pan in the back of my tank and landed in the middle chamber. Even though they can live out of water for a period of time, 10 hours IMO was a tad too long. I came home to a long skinny...
  7. xokarmaxo

    Help! Smallest tank for damsel??

    Thanks so much for the responses! Yes, even the "toilet" one too!
  8. xokarmaxo

    My 29 BioCube UPDATED PICS

    Hey there, Dark! I haven't been on here in awhile. Sorry to hear about your percs and the ich. I haven't been able to read back, but do you still have your midas blenny?
  9. xokarmaxo

    Help! Smallest tank for damsel??

    I have a co-worker who is really upset after learning that her beloved "Mollie", a domino damsel, will soon be removed from our 225 gallon tank in our lobby. "Mollie" has become aggressive. (surprise, surprise!) My co-worker has grown really fond of this fish and loves her little attitude and...
  10. xokarmaxo

    Biocube Eats Another fish...

    Originally Posted by NYHCx516x He looks so much better this morning. I guess getting some food helped the little guy. Hes proped himself up and staying that way. His fins are moving, and I may be crazy, but he just looks better, less pale.... :) That's wonderful!! I'm so glad that you didn't...
  11. xokarmaxo

    worst day in my reefing experience so far

    Wow, I am so sorry to hear of your losses! Especially that beautiful little dwarf lion fish. Wonder what's going on??? You said your wrasse must have gotten spooked by something and jumped... then you heard a commotion behind the rocks before your dwarf lion came out... I still consider...
  12. xokarmaxo

    Chaeto vs caulerpa?

    I have a 14 gallon Biocube and it was full of caulerpa... looked beautiful in the tank. Had it in there for 4 months before it decided to go sexual. Came into work (where my tank is) and saw that it was turning whitish/yellowish and knew what was happening and immediately started removing it all...
  13. xokarmaxo

    My 29 BioCube UPDATED PICS

    Wow! What a beauty! Your tank is gorgeous!!
  14. xokarmaxo

    DeMartini's 14G BioCube

    Lauren, if you're able to ship, let me know. I'd LOVE a frag! PM me a price for the frag and shipping to zip 30281.
  15. xokarmaxo

    DeMartini's 14G BioCube

    Originally Posted by SigmaChris Lauren, What is the forest of yellow by the Coco Worm? Is it GSP that just came out yellow in the picture? Thx, Chris Isn't that awesome?? She answered this before somewhere on another thread, but yep, that's gsp that is surrounding the coco worm.
  16. xokarmaxo

    Amazing Fish - Please Add Pictures

    Here's my percula clownfish
  17. xokarmaxo

    *~* HELP!! Caulerpa went sexual!! *~*

    Originally Posted by Hefner413 How do you keep it from going sexual??? I'd like to know that as well.
  18. xokarmaxo

    *~* HELP!! Caulerpa went sexual!! *~*

    Okay.... did my water change at noon and just checked my parameters. Temp 80.2 SG 1.024 Ammonia: 0 PH 8.2 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 10-20 Calcium: 350 (low, I know :( Fishies are all swimming fine, active.... inverts active.... corals all open and "happy". No traces of caulerpa visible. Water clarity...
  19. xokarmaxo

    *~* HELP!! Caulerpa went sexual!! *~*

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz No, if there was immediate danger, the fish would be gasping. Otherwise, you are fine until noon. Thanks so much for reassuring me. I'll update this thread if anything happens.
  20. xokarmaxo

    *~* HELP!! Caulerpa went sexual!! *~*

    Wow, thanks for the quick replies! The caulerpa that I had was the grape caulerpa. Think my babies will be okay for me to wait til noon (hour and a half from now) for me to do my water change? I can't do it right now because I am a nurse and have patients until then, otherwise, I'd do it...