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  1. twicklund

    Another 29Gal Biocube Thread

    Greetings all, Been a long time since i have posted, but here goes. I have had a 75 gallon reef tank set up for years. I say reef tank, but there is nothing in it right now except the following: 1 Clown 1 Engineering Goby 1 Cardinal Fish 1 Yellow Tang 1 Carpet Anemone various blue and red...
  2. twicklund

    Anyone know this fish

    A friend of mine gave me this fish he caught in the Keys...Any ideas what it is? Kinda looks like this Hawkfish. Their pic is better quality then mine...Sorry about the algae in the QT tank.
  3. twicklund

    IT'S OUT OF CONTROL!!! Anyone like Pom-Pom??

    I would love some if you still have any left...Email me at Thanks so much.
  4. twicklund

    Next fish?

    Maybe a blennie as well. tw
  5. twicklund

    Seawater from the 'REAL OCEAN' -- Pros/cons/Questions

    Normally I would recommend not to use anything out of the ocean. However, I agree with pmauro on this one. I would go for it. Let us know how it turns out. tw
  6. twicklund

    Auto Top Off

    If i have to travel during the week (which is very hit or miss) it is usually Monday to Thursday. Dosing has never really been a problem. I have been adding the two part calcium which my LFS said I should replace with kalk. But, if adding kalk the way you have described is the way to go, I...
  7. twicklund

    Blue leg hermits

    I did have some larger blue legs which picked on a colony of polyps once, but for the most part, my blue legs leave my corals alone. I have heard that blue legs will also pick on turbos, but I haven't seen this either. As far as live sand goes, if your asking if you have to have live sand in...
  8. twicklund

    Auto Top Off

    I have a 75 Gallon tank w/ refugium and sump. I am using metal halides for light which are cooled with fans. The combination of these fans and the heat causes much evaporation, so I decided to create an auto top off system. Nothing fancy, just a 20 gallon rubbermaid with an electronic float...
  9. twicklund

    Anyone using real Ocean sand?

    I would not put anything from the beach into my tank as it may be polluted and kill everything in it. This would be bad as I have quite an investment building here. Just my $.02. tw
  10. twicklund Kicks A**

    I've never been let down!!! tw
  11. twicklund

    How do you know if a feather duster is dead?

    Mine lost his feathers last week, and already has a new crown showing!! I would wait it out! tw
  12. twicklund

    Southdown in Tampa Area

    I was looking for Southdown in the Tampa area. Never found it. Went with Quick Crete instead. Has worked perfectly so far. Tank is 18 months old. tw
  13. twicklund

    New Tank

    You asked for advice on the fuge..I would add more sand to the DSB...The more the better...I would do at least 4 inches. I have seen setups with 6 inches, but 4 seems to be the norm... Man, again, I love your setup...Very impressive. I can't wait to see that tank this time next year!! tw
  14. twicklund

    tank cycled...adding fish(es)!!!

    Oops..Killafins beat me to that post!! tw
  15. twicklund

    tank cycled...adding fish(es)!!!

    I have added two fish at a time before, but now four. Also, my tank is well established. With a new tank recently cycled, I would add one fish at a time, with at least two weeks between. With a tank that size, you could probably get away with two smaller fish at a time (percs, for example)...
  16. twicklund

    Natural Shells

    Yup, boil away!! BTW... Shawn, if you like snorkeling, you should check out Scuba Diving. Thats how I got into SWF tanks...I like diving so much I wanted to be able to see the reef any time, so I built my own... tw
  17. twicklund

    Wet dry filters

    The approach I took was a 20 gallon glass tank to which I added a couple of pieces of acrylic...This way, I knew the "sump" would start leaking. You could probably get away with a 10 gallon tank for your sump for a 55...Check the DIY forum too...I am sure there is a ton of info there on this...
  18. twicklund

    New Tank

    Very nice looking stand. Congrats on the craftmanship. How big is the tank? What's your fuge/filter setup? Looks like you have put a lot of thought and effort into the tank so far...Keep up the great work. tw
  19. twicklund

    Moving to a bigger tank.

    I think your plan looks great. Definitly change to sand. I did this last year and my tank levels have been perfect ever since. One thing you can do is use live sand (the kind that comes in the bags with a little water in it) to seed your new sand bed instead of the existing cc. May seed...
  20. twicklund

    Funny lfs story...

    I have had numerous similar encounters at my LFS. I try to deal strictly with the owner now. He tends to be much more knowledgable (although I don't trust him totally, so I always check here before I make any decisions.) tw