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  1. volitan1

    Help My Yellow Tang Is Chasing My Copper Butterfly

    Its normal, however, tangs are territorial so it should be the last fish you add. He might continue to harass.
  2. volitan1

    help red growth

    sounds like red slime algae...however you will need to provide more details. do you have pics? How long has the tank been set up? are you using RO/DI h20 to do top offs? how much flow is i your tank? What are your perameters?
  3. volitan1

    coral question

    hi, i need some help! all of my coral (zoos, polyps, shrooms, etc.) are doing great. but my finger leather is acting weird. one day it opens very pretty and big, then the next night it stays shriveled up? is this normal?
  4. volitan1

    Help sick fish see pics

    hello, the stuff on the clwn fish is brooklynella...
  5. volitan1

    Yucky BLACK-RED algae

    I had it about a year ago and have never had it again. This is what i did. To get rid of it follow these simple steps: 1. Make sure you are using RO water when conducting topp offs 2. Increase flow within the tank 3. do 10-15% water change weekly. 4. If phosphates are some...
  6. volitan1

    clean up crew

    5+ nass snails for the sandbed 5+ Atlantci grazers...great algae eaters 2 emerald crabs Peppermiont shrimp and/or cleaner shrimp
  7. volitan1

    Lighting question

    I need to replace my power compact lights. Theya re a year old. My question is do i do it one light at a time? or can i do both at the same time. and if it is one at a time should i do the blue or white one first? Thanks
  8. volitan1

    coral question

  9. volitan1


    Originally Posted by mkroher This is why a GFCI is a must. You could have started a fire. What is a GFCI?
  10. volitan1

    coral question

    has anyone heard of "coral Frenzy"? Someone o know swears by it. Any opinions would be great. Thanks
  11. volitan1


    the directions on de*nitrate say 'Flow rate should not exceed 200 L (50 gallons*) per hour. If higher flow rates are unavoidable, use Matrixª or Pond Matrixª. My flow rate is 700 gph. Does this mean i cannot use it?
  12. volitan1

    Fish Question

    My gold headed sleeper Goby is acting funny. He is beating himself against some rock. He did this about 5 times, and now he is hiding for the last hour. My Blue tang looks like she is fighting with her reflection. these fish have been in my tank for over two years...any thoughts?
  13. volitan1

    Carbon question

    Originally Posted by trouble93 I do de*nitrate in the reactor and a 4x12in. sock of carbon in my sump. I run carbon 247 I change it every two weeks...And the de*nitrate you never have to change. rowa is just another filter media, and de*nitrate removes nitrates by building aerobic & anaerobic...
  14. volitan1

    Carbon question

    Originally Posted by Bulldog123 I do. Run rowa in the reactor and a bag of seachem de*nitrate and 1 week every month run carbon. They all do something different. what is rowa? what is seachem de*nitrate?
  15. volitan1

    Carbon question

    can you run phosban & carbon at the same time?
  16. volitan1

    refugium question..

    It shouldnt grow in your display tank.
  17. volitan1

    cleaner shrimp?

    A cleaner shrimp should set up a celaning station and clean parasites of off most fosh, but it will not solve your ick problems. It will help the problem bit not solve it. A cleaner shrimp will not help with Cyano. YOu might want to inccrease your flow and do some h20 chanes for the cyano...
  18. volitan1

    adding a compartment to sump

    Should i drill a slit in the baffle or let the water run over the top?
  19. volitan1

    sump question

    Thanks Guys, Will it work for plexi glass? And can i buy it on line? or from I cant find it locally
  20. volitan1

    sump question

    Originally Posted by Bulldog123 Plexi to plexi nothing better than weld-on. Silicone does not compare. Comes in fast and slow set. are both if these reef safe and sfe to submerge in water?