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  1. pastor b.

    clown tang tips

    My Clown tang is in my 150 . It can be aggressive at times, but its a beautiful fish.
  2. pastor b.

    clown tang tips

    The Clown tang is a fish for the experienced hobbyist. This fish is an herbivore, and will eat brine shrimp,Marine -A, Sea weed,plankton,formulas one and two. The Clown tang needs oxygenated water,and plenty of space. It will grow large ,so it will need at least 6 feet of running space ( an...
  3. pastor b.

    Copepods (again lol)

    Cope pods can live anywhere in your tank,just as long as conditions are favorable. They're fun to watch, they can move rather quickly when you shine a flash light on them.
  4. pastor b.


    Cope pods are in live sand,and live rock. once these are in your aquarium, the cope pods will come out only while the lights are off,then, you'll be able to see them on the tank glass. Just use a flashlight a few hours after your lights are off . Cope pods will live off of left over food from...
  5. pastor b.

    Fish Supplements

    I like Vita-chem, but its a very thick and rich formula, and also takes time to absorb into your fishes food, like Marine A. But it still works good. I also have used Zoe,which is a little bit watery ,but still does a good job. I like them both.
  6. pastor b.

    Red Coris Wrasse - Enough space? Should I get one?

    I have a Corris Wrasse that I've had for about 3 years now,and its 8" long in my 150. It loves to sleep under the sand and crushed coral.The CW is a hardy,colorful fish,and can be very destructive. It will move lr around when in search for food. If you get a CW,make sure that you don't place any...
  7. pastor b.

    Yellow Tang advice!!!

    Yellow tangs have that white stripe, there's one on each side of the yellow tang. When the yellow tang goes to sleep, these stripes become more visible, and their color fades,but when they awaken,these lines fade ,while their bright yellow color returns. Don't be alarmed ,this is a normal...
  8. pastor b.

    What Angel Is This???

    Looks exactly like a juvenile majestic angel fish ..
  9. pastor b.


    Eco-aqualizer is a good product IMO. I have 2 on my 150 gallon aquarium,my water stays clear,and fish that are deemed "Expert Only ",are easy to care for. My Clown Tang is a perfect example. When I brought it ,it was 2.5", that was over 4 years ago,now its 8.5",and is an inch thick. I've never...
  10. pastor b.

    cleaner wrasse

    Mine did the same thing,then one day it didn't show up at all, so I started to look for it, and then I found it dried up on the floor . Check around your aquarium . It may have jumped out of the tank. If not ,it'll probably show up when it gets ready.
  11. pastor b.

    brittle star and trigger?

    There's a possibility that the Trigger will consume the Bristle star. A friend of mine gave me 2 Bristle stars for my 150 aquarium,but I have a Harlequin tusk and a Corris wrasse which are both 8.5". Guess what happened ? crunch,crunch crunch . Certain fish can't be placed with crustaceans or...
  12. pastor b.

    snowflake eel feeding

    I've had 2 snowflake moray eels, and I've found feeding them every 2 days is good. Make sure that you have a tightly covered aquarium,or your moray eel will find the opening and will slither out of your aquarium like a snake onto the floor where it will perish if you're not around to place it...
  13. pastor b.

    Emp Angel not changing???

    Don't feel bad. I have a 10" Queen angel fish in my 150 which has streamers and its crown,but hasn't turned blue around the head. My Corris wrasse is the same way. I've had it since it was a juvenile, now it's 8", but still doesn't have the deep blue body with light blue speckles. A friend of...
  14. pastor b.

    Lunar lights... white or blue?

    I like the blue.
  15. pastor b.

    How big of a tank do i need for a naso tang?

    I have my Blond Naso Tang in a 150 gallon aquarium,and he really enjoys swimming from one side of the tank to the other.
  16. pastor b.

    Red Tail Cortis Wrasse Disappear

    My Red Corris wrasse likes to hide beneath the sand also. There are even times when I see it come out from hiding from under the sand,its an awesome sight .
  17. pastor b.

    2 angel fish in the same tank?????

    I tried putting a flame angel and a coral beauty together in a 75 gallon tank,and the flame killed the coral beauty . Believe me ,it won't work.
  18. pastor b.


    If you're planning on keeping a mandarin, you'll need plenty of copepods,as this is their main diet. If you plan on seeding a new tank,live rock, or live sand will be fine. Coepods live in live sand and live rock .
  19. pastor b.

    New fish -- Clown Tang

    It is said that Clown tangs are very difficult to keep,but I brought mine when it was only 2.5", and that was over 4 years ago. Now its nearly 8.5"in my 150 gallon aquarium,and as it grows,it becomes more aggressive. However,for coloration,it's a beautiful fish. Whenever my Ct gets in an...
  20. pastor b.

    Babysitting a Tiny Queen Angel?

    This is an angelfish,but it"s not a queen angel, it resembles a blue angel. Queens and blues look similar as juveniles,but queens' bars are straighter,blues are more curved. Also,the Queens' upper and lower tail ends are pointed,blues are are rounded. Enjoy your fish.