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  1. shaded light

    Browning Anemone.

    okay, well thats good news, unfortunately it doesnt look as good, but atleast she's happy!
  2. shaded light

    Browning Anemone.

    my white sebae has developed a tan and brownish color. what could be causing this? hes got plenty of light, is hosted, and fed once a week. my nitrates are 25, and phosphates are at .1, and my next scheduled water change is on Wednesday.
  3. shaded light

    i've got a tough decision.

    yeah. University of Rhode Island (first), and Eastern CT State (second). I have done all my financial aid, but i am still not sure how much i am recieving. i looked into some schools in Florida, and the Carolinas, but i doubt i could live out of New England. I mean, i love vacations in the...
  4. shaded light

    i've got a tough decision.

    okay, i was accepted to my 2nd choice college, and hadn't heard back from my first choice. So i put down my deposit and went through with everything for my 2nd choice school (a huge process). well, i just got accepted to my 1st choice school. My first choice school is almost 3x the tuition...
  5. shaded light

    What Exactly Is Chalice?

    yah, if seen pieces for a few hundred, and they were the size of a quarter. i cant imagine if they were a bit bigger. but they are pretty.
  6. shaded light

    SCSInet's 180g Reef Build!

    big bump, this is such a great set up. any updates? this is like my dream tank.
  7. shaded light

    Mother's Day is coming!!

    great, time to buy another Pandora charm... and a drive up to the flower farm.
  8. shaded light

    Sandals vs Flip Flops

    i believe they are called thongs...
  9. shaded light

    I got a rat!!!

    i would never want one as a pet, but Rat Boy is great name. made me lol.
  10. shaded light

    can corals sting you and hurt you?

    Originally Posted by Flower Friend, I can see by the post count you are pretty new here. So first let me welcome you! The discussion has turned to the toxins found in zoas. They are dangerous and even though we have not had a fatality, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I handled...
  11. shaded light

    Best Food For Corals?

    Originally Posted by Brokendeck spot feed the brine shrimp to the corals? yeah, LPS corals like acans and brain corals. you cant really feed brine to torch corals or zoos... also, i would dose UltraMin F. google it. great stuff.
  12. shaded light

    Whats The Name Of This Coral?

  13. shaded light

    Feeding Phytoplankton to Corals

    you dont actually feed them, you dose it. and it doesnt have many noticeable affects other than growth.
  14. shaded light

    Tiles from home depot...

    yes, here is a post from a very well known member on another forum, he has used these with great success. Originally Posted by The Propogator I am going to try these small ceramic tiles I got from Lowes today for frag mounting and zoanthid growing. They are ceramic clay, fired but not glazed. (...
  15. shaded light

    Whats The Name Of This Coral?

    yes a pulsing xenia. no doubt.
  16. shaded light

    Best Food For Corals?

    dose phyto. for max coral growth use some brine shrimp. i have heard that corals that are feed cyclopeeze tend to have better color, but i am not positive of this, and i do not use it.
  17. shaded light

    Anyone ever had Lasik surgery?

    i'm going to kill my mom if she doesnt get lasik (not really). but every 2 years she spends 400-500 bucks on glasses, prescriptions, and frames. she's been doing this for 30 years and i told her that she doesnt want to deal with eye problems when she gets older. and then she also has contacts...
  18. shaded light

    16 billion bail out=job loss

    dont worry everyone, obama will fix everything! in fact, i say, we should all go buy american cars and houses and not pay for them, because he will bail us out!
  19. shaded light

    NFL draft thread!!! ESPN reports, Stafford's the guy...

    the giants ---- the bed.
  20. shaded light

    Diatoms and green hair algae everywhere, why?

    are you using tap? be honest, because the phosphates are coming in thru the tap water. the trick is to not do water changes, and run phosguard or roaphos. thus starving the algae. when it's gone, water change.