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  1. leftyblite

    My new puffer...

    I have only one word for this fish. AWESOME. If I didn't already have a porc puffer, i would possiblly consider, but there is no way Spike is going anywhere.
  2. leftyblite

    anybody have a foxface lo ( rabbitfish)

    They are a very peaceful fish. I currently have mine in a 150G with a blue tang, bicolor angel and a porc puffer. He gets along with all of them. He recognizes me when I walk to the front of the tank. He loves to graze on algae sheets when I hang them in the tank. I love his ability to switch...
  3. leftyblite

    Feeding Foxface

    I hang seaweed every few days and mine grazes over a dauy or so and seems very healthy. He also eats a mixture of pellets and algae pellets.
  4. leftyblite

    new porky puffer won't take ANY food - yet - it's been a week now -

    Mine also took awhile to eat. After a few days he started with silversides with garlic and after that he was just fine. I feed him clams with shells every now and then to help with his beak. Now he is like a puppy, he can be totally full but still wants more.
  5. leftyblite

    how big for a jawfish

    What do you have the jawfish in with? I've always wanted one but not sure if it would be compatible with my tankmates.
  6. leftyblite

    food for puffer

    I feed mine, silversides, squid, shrimp, and clams. And then there is the occasional snail or crab that he loves to hunt and crunch up.
  7. leftyblite

    porkypine puffer isnt eating!!!

    Its possible he got stung by the foxface. Mine got stung by accident while I was feeding them and all he did for a week was lay on the sand. Are there any marks on him? Mine had a spot on him for 3 days where he was stung.
  8. leftyblite

    need info

    Welcome to the boards. Socal57 said it right above. The only dumb question is the question that is never asked. all of us have been newbies at one time. This is a great place to learn. Just a couple of words of advice that I learned early on.....Patince and research. This will make this...
  9. leftyblite

    porkypine puffer isnt eating!!!

    What are his other tankmates? My puffer got stung by my foxface once and didn't eat for a week. :thinking:
  10. leftyblite

    Tank Size

    Welcome to the boards. This is a great place for help. as far as sharks I would go with larger, at least 300g to start. There are others here who would know more than me. Good luck!!!
  11. leftyblite

    Foxface always freakin out!

    Mine was like that for a while too but now that he sees that the puffer doesn't freak when I come to the tank he is pretty much OK most of the time. He still has his moments though.
  12. leftyblite

    Feeding a Dwarf Lion?

    I would keep trying the frozen foods and not the freshwater stuff. I had a puffer who was really picky, but after about 4 days with no food, he decided the silversides and shrimp I was offering were not that bad after all.
  13. leftyblite

    To fox(face) or not to fox

    I love my foxface, he is really peaceful with the other fish. My puffer got accidently stung one time when they accidentally got too close to each other while eating. Puffer recovered after a couple of days. I got him when he was about 2 inches and now he is close to 5 inches.
  14. leftyblite

    new saltwater tank

    Welcome to the boards. A good book to get that will help you is 'The Conscientous Marine Aquairst' by Robert Fenner. It is a valuable tool for a lot of people on this site. As stated above you will need to cycle your tank first. Are you planning to put live rock in the tank and if so how much...
  15. leftyblite

    I want a Porcupine Puffer, (Spiny Box Puffer)

    I have them in a 150G with sand and live rock. No corals though as I've heard that aren't very good with puffers.
  16. leftyblite

    lionfish tank

    Fish all seem to have their own personalities. I've read and heard so many people say that a trigger and a puffer are OK together. I put a small trigger in with my puffer and then proceeded to watch him beat the puffer up constantly until I finally removed the trigger and took it back to the...
  17. leftyblite

    I want a Porcupine Puffer, (Spiny Box Puffer)

    I've currently got my porc puffer in with a foxface, bicolor angel, and a blue tang. As I watch them right now the puffere and the foxface are resting in the same cave with the tang in the rocks above them and the angel is out swimming around. My puffer tries to be friendly with all the fish. He...
  18. leftyblite

    Its good to be in CA

    Gotta luv it though!!! :thinking:
  19. leftyblite

    n00b-Wanting to start a new hobby

    Welcome to the boards. Please don't be afraid to ask any question. We have all been newbies at one time. I learned early, "The only dumb question is the question that is never asked." Good luck. :thinking:
  20. leftyblite

    Puffer question

    I feed mine a variety of silversides, clams, and shrimp. Plus he occasionally eats a snail or hemit crab in the tank.