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  1. jumpfrog

    Lieutenant Tang

    Cool! I know nothing about it but it looks awesome.
  2. jumpfrog

    Yellow Tang Compatability

    My biggest worry would be the damsels. If they've been in there awhile they might not take to the tang. I'd make sure the tang is at least as big as the niger and would look to have a bigger home for both of them down the road. Your 55 is probably a bit small for all of them long term. Good Luck!
  3. jumpfrog

    Pacific Mimic Tang.........

    Gorgeous Rye. Nice Shot. Looks like an angel and a yellow tang had a night out and got carried away:rolleyes:
  4. jumpfrog

    Aptasia Need Love Too!

    After feeding my aggressive tank I noticed this bit of feasting. I thought it was something different. An aptasia dining on a krill.
  5. jumpfrog

    OK....who did it!

    Not always a case of "need" as much as "want". Some just seem to always want a new home. It helps to have several extra shells lying around. Your lfs will probably have some or you can order on line. If they can't find extras some WILL kill snails for their homes. I've seen mine swap back...
  6. jumpfrog

    Water gallons?

    You're doing everything right. As your tank is still very new I wouldn't let it stress me too much. If you continue the good practices the "new tank" algea problems will disappear. BTW. some green film on your tank glass will probably always be there. That just comes with a sw tank. Extra...
  7. jumpfrog

    what kind of fish is this?

    They're fairly common and would do great in your 120. Lots of nori for these guys. Big appetites and plenty of algea needed. Good Luck. Here's my guy. Love him.
  8. jumpfrog

    what can i put with my snowflake

    Most any fish would be fine. They feed on crustaceans in the wild. Your choice. A lion or puffer would be fine but most say don't mix the two due to nipping problems by puffers. Do you plan on an aggressive setup or are you thinking a community setting?
  9. jumpfrog

    Xenia running out my ears!

    I went through a crash last year. They all just "melted" away over a few days. Didn't hurt anything else in the tank and never knew why. Had several other keepers in the area go through the same thing at the same time. Figured it might have been a seasonal thing. Some came back, mine never...
  10. jumpfrog

    Nano update phase 2

    Isn't building new fun? Looking good plum. Keep us up to date with the progression. I've contemplated a nano of some sort in my office. But then, would I get any work done;)
  11. jumpfrog

    Awsome Videos For SW Junkies

    Got half of the set for xmas and found the other half discounted at Best Buy. Watch them over and over. In DVD and big screen you can get lost in the scenes. Definitely recommended for all ocean lovers!
  12. jumpfrog


    Mine also loves squid/octopus. Just try a few different foods and he'll come around. They don't need to eat everyday and in fact mine decides from day to day whether he wants to eat or not. Good Luck!
  13. jumpfrog

    naso tang

    The spines you're referring to probably aren;t the top (dorsal) fins. Naso's have two spines (scalpels) next to the caudul peduncle which remain unsheathed at all times. Most tangs only have one which they keep closed and sheathed. In the attached pic you can see the orange scalpels toward...
  14. jumpfrog

    Hey Bud!

    They're in a 125 RR. SFE can reach 36". The "mystery eel" I have no clue on size until we figure out what it is. I don't think I'd plan to keep anything other than the dwarf species in anything under a 4' tank if I planned on a long term specimen.
  15. jumpfrog

    bannana clown wrasse????

    I think you would be pushing it to add another very active fish to your 75. Here's the lo-down: Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons Care Level: Easy Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4 Temperament: Aggressive Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 1' Reef Compatible: No Diet...
  16. jumpfrog

    Mag 5 problem

    Try removing the mag and taking the cover off. Look to see if a piece of sand or some other object is in the impeller housing. If everything looks good and it runs I wouldn't worry about it. You'll probably find something in there or your impeller is bad. Good Luck!
  17. jumpfrog


    I've heard of a saddleback also being a valentini puffer. Don't know about a "Hawaiin Saddleback" though. Here's my valentini/saddleback:
  18. jumpfrog

    Artemia, Rotifer, and ZooPlankton Hatcheries

    Here's a couple of great articles on the subject:
  19. jumpfrog

    Fish not eating

    Try soaking your regular fish food in garlic extract. Often this triggers a feeding response in picky fish. Also, nori would be much better for your tang than lettuce. Try using a rubber band and wrapping some nori to a piece of LR. It will be much more like their natural food. Also, is the...
  20. jumpfrog

    How many fish sould I put in a 55 gallon Tank?

    First welcome to the board. Yes, I've bought fish from here and they arrived in excellent shape. Inverts too. All still alive. They get my vote as an excellent source of animals. As for number of fish in a 55? First some questions? What type of tank: Reef, FOWLR, community, aggressive? What...