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  1. meltonius

    Lighting for 29 FOWLR

    Thanks for the response. I will do some sniffing around, but this helps point me in the right direction I think.
  2. meltonius

    Lighting for 29 FOWLR

    I was just currently wanting to get some advice on what lighting I should have for a 29G FOWLR. I have about 35 lbs. of live rock and am using it to cycle the aquarium. I currently have a 50/50 single light bulb on the tank.
  3. meltonius

    Kole Tang Diet?

    I feed my Kole tang flake, which he picks at for a while in the morning. At night I feed him frozen Spirulina enriched brine shrimp. He goes crazy on that. He also picks algae from glass. He is an active eater and swims to the top of the tank whenever I come near it.
  4. meltonius

    Algae on Glass

    Thanks for the replies. I was mainly looking for complimentary ideas, not to get out of regular cleaning. If anyone has any other thoughts, I am open to them.
  5. meltonius

    Algae on Glass

    I was wondering if anyone knew of any fish that would eat algae off of the glass wall of the tank. I have a 55 gallon with a Kole Tang, scooter blenny, and a few damsels.
  6. meltonius

    Six-line wrasse

    I noticed something I thought was sort of strange. I recently got a six-line wrasse from the LFS, and it has been "cleaning" the fish that I have in the tank. I didn't know that they "cleaned" other fish parasites. Has anyone had this experience with the six-line before?
  7. meltonius

    percula clowns stripes/niger trigger

    One thing is that the true percs are more agressive to similar looking fish than the false percs.
  8. meltonius

    blue/regal/hippo tang

    I have gotten them to eat zooplankton before, and also some of the algae sheets that you can clip inside the tank. Good luck!
  9. meltonius

    Regal Tang

    yes, but only temporarily.
  10. meltonius

    Regal Tang

    Thanks for the input. I ordered a bigger one from and so far so good.
  11. meltonius

    Keeping Multiple Dwarf Angels

    To jump in on this discussion. I tried to mix in an eiblii angel with my coral beauty in my 55 gallon. My coral beauty chases the eiblii around the tank, although it isn't as much when I first put him in. I actually had them in the same tank with succcess in the past. I think what worked for...
  12. meltonius

    Albino Tang?

    I have a Scopas and he appeard lighter in the store, like yours in the picture. He darkened up once he got used to the tank. He has darkened up a little, but your tang looks pretty normal to me. Parts of him may be a little on the light side, but he should darken up. P.S. I fed mine flake...
  13. meltonius

    Regal Tang

    I was just wondering about the Regal Tang. What are the secrets to keeping them alive? I have had some in the past and the ones I have had have been pretty skiddish. Anyone have a lot of success in keeping them? What was done differently to keep them?
  14. meltonius

    Fish Feeding while on Vacation

    Depending on what kind of fish you have, you might be able to get a veggie clip and clip some sheets of algae for them to munch on. That way they can graze on food at any time! It also might be cheaper solution than a auto feeder. A weekend isn't too long of a time to be away, so I think you...
  15. meltonius

    How long without food?

    Another thought would be to veggie clip some food on there and let them graze. If your damsels aren't too picky, they will accept the sheets of green algae. You can get these at your LFS, and it might be a cheaper alternative to an auto-feeder. Hope that helps!
  16. meltonius

    help with royal gramma PLEASE!!

    As an aside to the previous posts; royal grammas can be shy. It took mine a few days before I saw him on a regular basis. Now I will see him more, although he does take shelter under rocks, etc. If you have read other posts on gramma's you will find that some are more shy and some are more...
  17. meltonius

    coral beauty in 29 gal?

    I have kept a coral beauty in a 29 gallon and he did fine. I have had coral beautys before and they are one of my favorites. They are very hardy, I have had very good luck with them. I have mine in a 55 gallon now, but he lived forever in my old 29. IMHO.
  18. meltonius

    Berlin Protien Skimmer

    Cool, thanks for the advice. I actually picked up a 2 way valve. That way I can adjust the airflow of the pump using the valve instead of the pump. It is a cheaper alternative than getting a new pump for sure! I have messed around with adjusting it and I think I have found a good air flow...
  19. meltonius

    Berlin Protien Skimmer

    Ok, I just checked my check valve and the air was going the wrong way, so I fixed that and I am getting a large amount of bubbles. My new problem though is that my cup has filled with water and bubbles. My water level is ok, but I am guessing that my pump is too powerful. I may need a less...
  20. meltonius

    Berlin Protien Skimmer

    Cool. I will wait and see what happens and report back. Thanks for the help. Meltonius