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  1. jdboy


    Does anyone know if a Foxface will eat Calerpa algae? I've been battleing this stuff for a year now.
  2. jdboy

    Eheim Jager Heaters

    Thanks for the reply!
  3. jdboy

    Wavemakers ???

    Originally Posted by elvictre Seio's will not work on a wave maker. They are not designed to turn on and off. It will only be a headache. Go with Tunze and a controller. You can simulate waves and day and night cycles. Vic This is very true about the Seio's! I've heard that their working on a...
  4. jdboy

    Wavemakers ???

    I have a 90g setup right now with 3 Maxi-Jet 900 on a Aquarium Systems Natural Wave timer and a Seio 1100 running constant. The Wave timer has an adjustable timer for each power head and I think can handle up to 100W per plug in. This unit has been up and running for several months now and the...
  5. jdboy

    Eheim Jager Heaters

    I recently purchased 2 250W Jager heaters with plans to install them in my sump on a temp. controller. When they arrived I noticed, after unpacking, that they have a min. and max. water line. I bought them with the thinking that they were fully submersible. Since they're in the sump my water...
  6. jdboy

    Water Change question.

    Why can't you use your Python to pull the old water out of the tank? That's the same product I use. I hook it to the sink to reclaim the old water and then unscrew the hose from the faucet fixture and put that end into the tank. Then I remove the gravel vac tube and place that end of the hose...
  7. jdboy

    Tang ID

    Spotted Kole Tang I think. :thinking: If it were a Blue Eye Tang wouldn't it have a blue eye.
  8. jdboy

    Is PVC cement ok?

    Not sure if it's the correct answer or not but I've always used standard PVC cement when I'm plumbing my tanks.
  9. jdboy

    Return Line Size

    1" if possible, your bulkhead (if using a drilled tank) will be the limiting factor. If your tank is like mine the bulkhead for my return is 3/4". Hope this helps.
  10. jdboy

    Reef Safe Shrimp

    I've got 3 peppermint shrimp and have had good luck with them till this weekend. I was looking at the tank and I seen one of the shrimp come up and start taking big chunks out of my BTA. I almost hit the roof! While I was there it done it again. I quickly got out the tongs and knocked it off...
  11. jdboy

    Grape Caulerpa Taking Over!

    I've had this problem for a while now as well. I bought a tang with hopes that it would help with no avial. At least I got a nice fish out of it! I picked out a 1g bucket full the other day and low and behold I've got a diatom bloom on my sand. I agree with what was said above, baby...
  12. jdboy

    gold coral banded shrimp

    I've got a standard CBS in my tank with 3 Peppermint shrimp and they all seem to do fine. The CBS will chase the PS off if they get to close but nothing more than that. It'll do the same thing with my emerald crabs.
  13. jdboy

    Black Sand Bed

    I've been running it in my tank for over a year now and the PH is very stable. Mine is actually black and white. Came in 20lb. bags and now I can't find it anywhere. Looks great in my opinion too.
  14. jdboy


    I also use the Digi Coralife with the probe mounted in the bottom of my overflow. The only thing with these are that their not precise. +/- 1.5 degrees F, that's not that accurate when it comes to reef keeping. I also use one of the small glass style thermometers with the suction cup. I just...
  15. jdboy

    Mag-Drive 700

    Mines still going strong! When I upgrade I'll still use it for water changes.
  16. jdboy

    how good of camera do you people have?

    We bought a Kodak Z740 after Christmas and love it. 5 mega pix with 10 opti zoom. Great mid price camera with printer dock.
  17. jdboy

    Mag-Drive 700

    I've been running a 7 on my 90g since before it was a SW tank. It's always ran great and restarted without any problems. Even got lazy a couple of times and didn't clean it for 6 months and it still works great. The only thing is that at a 5' head the flow isn't that great. I'll be switching...
  18. jdboy

    Peppermint shrimp: effective aiptasia control?

    Other than stealing brine from my anemone and my hammer coral mine have bothered anything, including my apistasia.
  19. jdboy

    new pump/gph????

    Hope it isn't against the rules to add a link:
  20. jdboy


    Originally Posted by Littlebuck well i just got the 620 in the mail today and i figured it would be more flow then what it has. I would look at getting something else. My aquaclear 70 pushs more flow then the seio 620. Thanks for the suggestion, I recently looked into a Tunze 6060 but have...