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  1. hawthorn

    center fish

    dory was a hippo tang
  2. hawthorn

    Anybody know about this fish

    nope its not the firefish its a red head goby ive found one on another site but its not got much info on it.
  3. hawthorn

    Anybody know about this fish

  4. hawthorn

    Anybody know about this fish

    Hi im trying to find out about the red head goby as i cant find much info on it, does anybody on here know anything about it, I.E hardiness, temperament, feeding, and ae they expensive. thanks in advance Hawthorn
  5. hawthorn

    sexing a fish

    Hi, i was wondering does anybody know how to --- a court jester goby (rainford)
  6. hawthorn

    Question about ordering from UK in US

    thank you very much its appreciated as getting live sand in the uk is quite hard as most lfs dont stock it. thank you hawthorn
  7. hawthorn

    Question about ordering from UK in US

    hi im in the uk and i cant find a site that sells that sand could you please email me with the address please. thanks in advance hawthorn
  8. hawthorn

    Lion will not eat.

    When i first got my fuzzy dwarf lion fish he would only eat brine but IMO brine is useless so i soaked some mysis shrimp in garlic puree for a few hours and when i put it in the tank the lion went crazy for it and now it will eat anything i put in there.
  9. hawthorn

    I think my Cleaner shrimp going to have babies

    my cleaner shrimp has allways got eggs but nothing ever comes if i actully seen it eating the eggs itself while they were still attached to it so i wouldnt get your hopes up if i were you.
  10. hawthorn

    my first

    my advice would be research everything you want to do and be patient good luck and keep us posted on how you get on
  11. hawthorn


    yeah any dwarf lion would be fine in a 55gallon as long as the fish in there are not small enough to fit in its mouth
  12. hawthorn

    Need fish ID

    that is a bicolor blenny
  13. hawthorn

    Shrimp Pics

    heres my cleaner shrimp
  14. hawthorn


    a false or true perc clown should be fine but your tank is too small for a maroon clown as they grow rather large.
  15. hawthorn

    Stupid? or Do-able?

    IMO yes you do need a powerhead for circulation ansd as for adding fish you need to wait until you ammonia and nitrites are at 0 but what fish are you planning on having in your tank as some fish need a mature tank and shouldnt be put in there untill the tank is about 6 months old. You will need...
  16. hawthorn

    orang spotted file fish

    Its good to see somebody researching before buying and its a really good thing you didnt buy the file fish as it would be a tragic waste of money because they are very difficult too keep and come into the category of fish that should be left in the sea. If you do go with a toby puffer you will...
  17. hawthorn

    What's your favorite saltwater fish?

    at the moment i have 2 faves my new fuzzy dwarf lion fish and my new coral beauty
  18. hawthorn

    New set-up. What other fish?

    fire fish are kool looking and are very good community fish
  19. hawthorn

    Male or Female Dwarf Fuzzy Lionfish

    Heres some pics of mine which ive been told is a male as males have more stripes on there fins than females but i would wait for someone who knowa for sure that this is true. iwould like to know for sure aswell. btw thats a beautiful fish you got there...
  20. hawthorn

    Dwarf lion fish

    as long as the clowns arent big enough to fit in the lions mouth you should be ok with that IMO as for the dwarf angel that would be fine my fuzzy dwarf is in with a coral beauty and they are fine together.