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  1. itom37

    has eel learned lesson

    why not put a bit of wire mesh around the return pipe? shouldn't slow the flow and would solve your problem. I wouldn't trust the eel not to do it again.
  2. itom37

    My V-Tail plays ping pong

    So I was playing ping pong and the lid to my aggressive (which sits next to the ping pong table) was open. A stray ball flew past the opening AND MY V-TAIL GROUPER LEAPED OUT OF THE TANK AT THE EXACT MOMENT. I assume it was trying to catch the ball. It failed, the ball fell in the tank and...
  3. itom37

    Woman forced to remove body piercings in airport

    Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE if there was a metal plate in the head or pins holding somebody's bones in place, would they have to be removed as well ? they would, and do, have doctor's notes. that's not a very good analogy.
  4. itom37

    Help me find the right college, I give up

    Virginia Tech nicely fits those criteria. The campus is beautiful. I've only visited, though.
  5. itom37

    Help me find the right college, I give up

    Originally Posted by kjr_trig I would look at Clemson University (in S. Carolina) based on what you have said, small town, great weather, big time sports with crazy fans (death valley is one of the best places to watch a football game), beautiful campus. As I was typing... amazing.
  6. itom37

    Help me find the right college, I give up

    Everybody knows that the best school that mostly fits those criteria is Clemson. The football atmosphere is excellent and gets better every year, people are nutty about most sports, the campus is beautiful, it's rural, the extracurricular atmosphere is really fun and diverse, and the academics...
  7. itom37

    what do i tell her?

    You've done what you can. Let her gain some wisdom through experience.
  8. itom37

    Shaquille O'neal is a Classless Idiot!

    I love Shaq. He is hilarious. I also, almost invariably, love sports villains. They provide entertainment, and entertainment is why we watch sports. I'm not saying Shaq is a sports villain, however.
  9. itom37

    Stocking A 300?

    Put like 75 damsels in it.
  10. itom37

    Pods to and from

    The pump probably wouldn't kill them... this is how any refugium works. I suppose that depends on the pump, however. If you have LR in your sump, which I suspect you do if you're worried about pods, just take a good sized piece with lots of holes and switch it back and forth with another in...
  11. itom37

    A column versus the "fruit stand"

    Give them a few days, and they'll find their new retreats. Go tigers.
  12. itom37

    Taking entries for a tournament style competition for the 64 best comedies ever?

    Young Frankenstein Monty Python: Holy Grail The Princess Bride Wayne's World Animal House A Fish Called Wanda Caddyshack The Goonies Christmas Vacation Raising Arizona The Big Lebowski Ace Ventura: Pet Detective Home Alone 1 and 2
  13. itom37

    Critics Please

    Very beautiful. I am not a tang policeman, but, aesthetically, the tang seems disproportionately large for that tank. Could just be the angle.
  14. itom37

    My New 90 Gallon Setup!!!

    That looks amazing!
  15. itom37

    LFS laughter

    Originally Posted by AlienHybridX I can do a better job than the people at that LFS just from what i learn everyday from experts on this site... You can probably provide better advice, but can you do so and stay in business? That's what the people at your LFS are trying to do. It's a...
  16. itom37

    Too Many Guppies

    Sounds like fun for the aggressor. However... would a watchman goby eat a guppy?
  17. itom37

    What countries have YOU visited?

    Spain France Italy ...working on Costa Rica Many my resume is weak compared to some of you guys!
  18. itom37

    the global warming swindle

    Originally Posted by sciknen Can you show me a link with information presented by scientists that say water vapor and CO2 are in the atomosphe? (not wikipedia) You wouldn't use Wikipedia as a source for a paper. Well at my college its not allowed. Just, you know, exhale, and you've released...
  19. itom37

    How Many Fish

    One thing you must consider is stressing the fish out by having so many in such a small space. You'll also have to be very conscious of aggression and compatibility in such close quarters with the number of fish you want. Filtration isn't everything. A pair of clowns, a couple of firefish...
  20. itom37

    If this happened to you what would you do

    I'm guessing you paid by PayPal? Well if it's really not what you were expecting and you can't get in touch with the seller (try paypal email as well as PMs) to clear it up, I'd file a claim with PayPal. If you get ripped they have a conflict resolution process. I imagine it's a pain, but...