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  1. colbalt60

    Help, Sick Hippo Tang

    what are you parameters? ph alk amm nitrate nitrite? in the pictures you posted it looks like two different systems he is in. hippo tangs especially, will try to hide, or lay down like that when scared/stressed. i would say that things will get better with him as he becomes more acclimated to...
  2. colbalt60

    A better plan for while we're away from fishies

    if you are concerned about leaving things as they are, then i would contact you lfs and see if they would be willing to board your fish, or if they know a reputable aquarium service that would look in on things while you are away.
  3. colbalt60

    one eyed Angel Hmmmmm....?

    what other fish are you keeping? one eye will definately make things more difficult during feeding time. and if the other fish are quicker, then it will slowly starve. i would pass and wait for a healthy specimen. especially if it will be your show piece.
  4. colbalt60

    Starting a reef/fish tank. Stocking questions.

    can anyone say bio overload. like the above poster stated. butterfly and angel are not going to be advised by me. if the lion is your prize, then you will have to adjust your stocking list drastically. i feel that you would be better served as a fish only with live rock for your system...
  5. colbalt60


    if you like the kole, take a look at the tomini. :) blues arent really toughy, but skiddish. most favorite.... blue hippo, but easy to have ich problems. least favorite....sailfins...nice looking, but waaaay too big for most tanks. i currently have a tomini, blue hippo, and purple tang...
  6. colbalt60

    to add or not to add

    i am thinking of a purple tang as well, but if they are a more peaceful tang then i think i may just do it. any other opinions out there?? this could happen as soon as tomorrow.
  7. colbalt60

    to add or not to add

    yeah i am torn because i heard this fish can get to like 19 inches. thats huge in my setup. and i doubt i can upgrade ever.
  8. colbalt60

    sump pumps

    i would look to a mag 7 or 9.5. it will depend on how high you are going with it, and how much your drains can handle.
  9. colbalt60

    to add or not to add

    i have a 7x2x2 = 200 gallon oceanic with a hippo tang, and tomini tang. i have been given the ....if you can catch him you can have him challenge for a blochii tang aka ringtail tang. is this something to leave alone or go for it. thoughts???
  10. colbalt60

    lowering ph?

    to reduce your ph it will require water changes. but please have your water retested before you begin this as it is a issue if you swing your ph too fast.
  11. colbalt60

    Kordon Ich attack, new tank? Help please

    well yes you just transfer the ick to the main tank now. the 55 is considered contaminated. what i would do is finish moving everything over to the 55 except the fish which will remain in a smaller tank and treat with hypo salinity. hypo is done by using a refractometer to bring your salinity...
  12. colbalt60

    2 Tang Questions

    first thing you listed 5 choices. lol my favorite combo is the hippo and the yellow. the contrast cant be beat. bright and beautiful. to answer the 2nd question i ould need to know size of your setup and what is currently in it.
  13. colbalt60

    Most of my corals are dead

    run lots of carbon. and take it easy on the water changes. they are stressed out as it is. give it some time and may god bless you and your family in this time of need.
  14. colbalt60

    Juv. Emperor Behavior

    try to keep it as stress free as possible, and please qt . angels as well as tangs love ich.
  15. colbalt60

    sump/refuge question

    just be sur that you will still have room for back flow in case of a power outage. i knew someone who made the outer baffles too tall and when he tested it flooded. so keep that in mind.
  16. colbalt60

    Fuge inhabitants

    i concur with mr. x there is no need to add a cc to the fuge. you want the algae to grow without anything eating it. this will help keep parameters in check. minimal trimming of the algae when it outgrows the space is all you need to do. if there is something in there eating it then you...
  17. colbalt60

    high phosphates issue

    what i had to do to bring my phos. down was adding a fuge. the algae (cheato) i added ate up the phos. and now it is undetectable. increase the flow so you dont have any arera that can build up and take your time. hope this helps.
  18. colbalt60

    ich how to get rid of it for good?

    my levels for amm nitrate and nitrite were up.due to cyclein qt. i will continue to run qt and after cycle will regain my fish and put into qt and run hypo. lfs s just holding temp. until qt gets in parameters. and sal is now 1.009 thanks to my trusty refractometer from
  19. colbalt60


    i dont have any baffles in it. the water comes in on the right side goes thruogh the skimmer and the flows over the water level adjuster into the 1 cubic foot bio chamber that is currently empty with the exception of a filter bag that is catching the water from the skimmer unit and the overflow.
  20. colbalt60

    ich how to get rid of it for good?

    well sg is down to 1.010 now. but my levels are out of whack. i have a lfs that i trust and they told me to bring in the fish until my qt is reading norm all zeros. so as not to further stress these guys out. i hope this turns out to be the way to go because i really would hate for it to...