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  1. tjswanson

    Prettyist fish

    Here is my Adult African Emperor Angel (King Louie)
  2. tjswanson

    This is our fav fish!

    I work at a LFS and I went to our wholeseller and picked out that Emperor Angel. They had some about twice his size and they were a little bit cheaper because they were Indonesian, but the African Emperor was the only one eating the live brine he was being fed. His colors still aren't AWESOME...
  3. tjswanson

    This is our fav fish!

    Here is another beautiful angel.
  4. tjswanson

    This is our fav fish!

    Here is my Adult Emperor Angel, King Louie (his name) is an African Emperor and would retail for about 250$
  5. tjswanson


    Everyone has different experiences with tangs. I work at a LFS and have been in this hobby for over 4 years and have owned just about any fish imaginable, including A LOT of species of tangs. Every time you stick tangs together you always run the risk of things not working out. IT ALL DEPENDS...
  6. tjswanson


    You need more lighting for most anemones. I would recommend 3 watts per gallon for some anemones and even 4-5 watts per gallon for others. But more than likely, you could get away with it if you had 3 watts per gallon.
  7. tjswanson

    What additives do you use?

    I just started reef keeping again after about a 2 year absence. I use Kent Marine calcium, of course, and Coral Vite, Essential Elements and Coral Accel all by Kent. I was wondering what else everyone would reccommend I add. I was looking into the Black Powder made by Marc Weiss. Has anyone...
  8. tjswanson

    Getting a Fish to eat

    When I got my juv. emperor angel, it took me a week to get it to eat. I tried feeding it everything and then finally one day I offered some frozen squid in the cubes and it ate that like a pig. And then after that, it ate anything I put in the tank. So I would just keep trying everything you can.
  9. tjswanson

    sohal tang.....

    A Sohol would be just fine if it was the only tang. I would not get a hippo with it. Sohol Tangs do grow very large. I would stay away from Powder Blue and Brown Tangs because they are hard to keep alive. Sohol Tangs are very hardy and are awesome fish!
  10. tjswanson

    He Sold Himself.

    hey Cincy, I was wondering if you could post some more pics of your Emperor Angel. They are my favorite fish and I was wanting to see how much it has changed. Thanks.
  11. tjswanson

    He Sold Himself.

    hey Try-Sog, nice fish, but you will want to keep an eye on it as it gets older. Blue and Queen agels look VERY similar when they are juveniles. Just want to make sure you get what you paid for. It would suck to pay for a Queen and get a Blue. Just though I'd mention it to ya.
  12. tjswanson

    Yellow tang diet

    A yellow tang should eat brine shrimp, but in the wild they are grazers and mostly eat algae. So what I'd do is get some green seaweed from your LFS and put it on a clip in the tank so that the yellow tang can graze on it as he pleases.
  13. tjswanson

    Pearlscale butterfly Q

    Pearscale's might be harder to keep than some of the other butterfly fish. I know a guy that comes into the store I work at and he's had great success with a pearscale and saddleback in the same tank. If you want a pearscale I suggest these two options. Make sure your tank is completely...
  14. tjswanson

    how many tangs in a 125?

    I'm sorry I have to disagree TangPolice. I have had great success mixing the different tangs from the different families. As long as he doesn't add two tangs from the same genus he will be ok. If those are the only three fish he wants, he could do it. SMT just be prepared to either trade off...
  15. tjswanson

    how many tangs in a 125?

    When I had my 125 I had an orange shoulder, sailfin and naso. All the tangs you listed are from different genuses, so you have that going for you. But an adult Sohol gets very large. If you had those three tangs I would not want many more fish, especially if you want a reef tank eventually...
  16. tjswanson

    Filter question

    Canister filters are ok and skilter filters work pretty good from what I've seen at the stoer I work at. The BEST filter is a sump set up with an overflow box or the overflows pre-dilled into the tank. As far as picking whether you want a skilter or canister, you could run both, but it depends...
  17. tjswanson

    Tang Compatibility

    A 135g. tank is a pretty good sized tank. I mixed a lot of tangs in my day. If they are going to get along you will need to rearrange your rock a little bit and add the yellow and sailfin at the same time, quite possibley even adding the yellow a few minutes before the sailfin.
  18. tjswanson

    Fish limit

    Pending on what you plan on using for a filtration system, I would say maybe 4-8 inches of fish, you might be able to have more if you have live rock in the tank, but you do not want to over crowd your tank. 30g. tanks are good for small fish such as pseudochromis and other fish that stay a...
  19. tjswanson

    tearing down a tank:equipment for sale

    I would be interested in the calcium reactor. How much equipment comes with it and how long has it been used? Any informaiton about this particular C.R. would be appreciated. Thanks-TJ
  20. tjswanson

    Powder blue w/ a sohal in a 125g tank

    They won't work. I've had these two in the same tank. And it's bad that the Sohol is bigger. Powder Blues should be the only Tang in a tank. You can try if you'd like, but I think the outcome will be bad for the Powder Blue. TJ