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  1. stsweene

    Green Mandarins

    best ive gotten so far....
  2. stsweene

    Stocking List Help

    Originally Posted by Glibgoat I started with an "aggressive" 65 tank. Prob my biggest mistake to date in this hobby. The fun aggressives need 125-150. You can keep some small aggressives but ultimately they grow too big. Wasted 6 months and a great deal of cash on a tank that never really had a...
  3. stsweene

    orange tree sponge

    I have a orange, and HAD a red... the red melted w/in 2-3 months, but the orange is doing great after 8-9 months. I have it under an overhang in med-high flow.
  4. stsweene

    flame angel comatibility

    You'll be just fine since you are adding him last. I have a flame and he was one of my first fish and hardiest...he fought with every fish I added until I finally got a kole tang that whooped him into shape fast.
  5. stsweene

    Easiest Anemone?

    Had a LTA get sucked in a PH, i thought he was gone for sure as I had to pry him out of the PH... after a few hours to my amazement he started to open back up and it looked like something took a huge bite out of half of it. After a few weeks now its looks completly healed and is about 20% of...
  6. stsweene

    Tangs for 90 gallon

    Ive had a kole in my 75 for 8 months now and its doing great, never had any signs of ich. I do have a lot of LR and its set up with alot of holes to swim through.
  7. stsweene

    Moving Day

    2nd what bowker said - I made a very short move like you are going to do and what I found worked well was to bag up fish and corals, then get big rubbermaid tubs/coolers for LR and water. Once all your water is removed then you can scoop up your substrate pretty easily. then once your moved...
  8. stsweene

    Why is corraline algea turning white?!!

    Did your water level get alittle low? I know my corraline will whiten and die if my water gets lower then normal and it gets exposed to air, happens on top of my PH's alot too.
  9. stsweene

    pics of my 75 reef! critique!

    looks good so far, id work on addin more rock to try an hide some of those pipes, and it will help w/ the may eat mysis, but it still needs lots of LR to pick at.
  10. stsweene

    Everything Dead

    40% more efficient at killing livestock apparently! ***)
  11. stsweene

    Everything Dead

    As posted, an anenome wont die w/o light in 5 days, think about all the shipping that takes place with them, doubt the airplanes have MH's set up in the cargo holds, lol. SO no heat on in your house, set at 58? IS tank in basement? Is the heater working now? You said it was still at 80 when...
  12. stsweene

    keeping anemones alive?

    Ive actually had a LTA for 2 years and its impossible to kill, very hardy. I added a BTA a few months ago and its doing great too. Maybe try a few different types?
  13. stsweene

    A question for any sponge enthusiasts

    It kinda sounds like what mine looked like before it began to melt away. I got an orange and a red tree on the same day, the orange one is still rocking out, but the red one melted after a few months... go figure...
  14. stsweene

    What do Victoria's Secret and frogspawn have in common?

    yeah ninja thats what I was hoping for with the tank, with all the colors and movements and running water how can it not be the best darn baby toy money can buy... lol... she's into it as well so we got a good thing going!!!!
  15. stsweene

    What do Victoria's Secret and frogspawn have in common?

    Thanks guys, very good advice all around.... all is well and hopefully mama and baby will be home sat. night! I dont think I should have much of a problem showering the ladies with love, I cant believe the feeling I get already just looking at our baby and knowing that she's all ours and we...
  16. stsweene

    What do Victoria's Secret and frogspawn have in common?

    hey scubaguy - the wifey and I just had our first baby girl 2 days ago, she went through 24 hours of BS just to end up having a C-section... :mad: but all ended up very well.... Im home for my 4 hour powernap... yes sir any advice ??? :help: :help: Did you have your tank when you had...
  17. stsweene

    Help with xenia

    yeah Im assuming its already melted away?
  18. stsweene

    Power out Very low temps! Help

    Originally Posted by A2hotz inverts can take a lot!!! I accidentally forgot about the 10 turbo snails I bought last nite and... left them in my car last nite. I got in my car today and looked at the paper bag they were in and just about crapped myself! I pulled them out and the water was...
  19. stsweene

    Is my tank "reef safe"

    yeah 'ol porky will tear anything up....
  20. stsweene

    Floor requirement for a 150 Reef

    from the looks of that picture i would say your 3rd story is all trusses, which probably means your floor joists are 2x4's or maybe 2x6's at best. Measure the span you have from wall to wall, and like reefkprz said, the more walls you can catch underneath of the 3rd story floor where the tank...