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  1. mikeyjer

    mirror background?

    I had a mirror cut to size behind my 2-29g tanks side by side with half castle on each side. It looks awesome , but requires you to clean the back wall of the tank quite often so to use it in a reef tank or saltwater tank, unless your able to reach the back to clean it on a daily basis, it's...
  2. mikeyjer

    Dead in almost 24 hours... WHY?

    I kinda skim through the post real quick, but I don't see anything about how you acclimate those fish into your tank??? Follow's acclimation guide!!!! Like it was mentioned already, do not over stock, you put too many fish in a 55 g tank. You really need to slow down, maybe...
  3. mikeyjer

    Peppermint shrimp - safe with corals?

    Originally Posted by anthropo the peppermint shrimp didn't die because you had no more anemones left. peppermint shrimps will eat anything you feed your fish too. they even pick off of dead animals. they're pretty much scavengers so if yours died it was for some other reason. It's happened to...
  4. mikeyjer

    Use Pelletized Food Only???

    I personally lean more towards frozen foods or fresh prepared foods over pellets. I USED to feed pellets, now I just feed it to them every so often, mainly feed pellets to crabs and who ever doesn't get enough food since my fish are hogs tearing up all the frozen food before they even reach...
  5. mikeyjer

    When to add Cleanup Crew And What

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy I wouldn't add more than 3 Nassarius vibex to a 58. 2 turbo's is good, 3 or 4 Astraea is fine, 10 trochus is also good. Also, 4 or 5 Cerith and a Black Sea Cucumber. A Brittlestar can be helpful and interesting. I would wait until the tank is stable because...
  6. mikeyjer

    Is there a problem if I add multiple corals at once?

    Originally Posted by coachKLM if youd want to get "precise" yes adding more then one or two at a time can upset the water balance DEPENDING ON THE SIZE OF THE TANK ex. i put 4 new types of softies/ lps in an establish 40 breeder and crashed it within 2 days I put 12 new types of softies and lps...
  7. mikeyjer

    buying live sand

    Originally Posted by sepulatian True live sand is from the ocean floor and lives only a few days without being submersed in SW and having flow. This is the real LS. Sand that is damp in a bag is good, and will still contain live bacteria. Agree!!! When I moved back in May, I decided to change...
  8. mikeyjer

    New Setup Question?

    It should be fine....I don't understand why your downsizing though??? Smaller tanks are harder to take care of then larger tanks since you have lesser room for error....Between my 55 and my 90, I have a lot less problem with my 90 then 55....
  9. mikeyjer

    I'm in some seroius trouble!!

    I have to agree with the poster above!!! You can also look into Denitrator....
  10. mikeyjer

    Dead Hippopotumus(sp?) my tank

    Originally Posted by emtguy My LR did not smell bad and still does not smell. I do agree that it had alot of die-off apperantly so i will just sit and wait and stare at rock. elephants eat P&J sandwhiches. This is a Hippo and besides he's dead i guess so i'll just let him finish rotting. LOL ...
  11. mikeyjer

    What kind of LR is this?

    Originally Posted by hotjeepinmomma tap water and this is a week old tank, and stirring the sandbed i've never herd of that! Number one issue, tap water!!!! You should look into getting RO/DI water!!!! But your cycling right now so you'll see different stuffs popping up here and there....It...
  12. mikeyjer

    Cleanup crew

    Originally Posted by Granny Yes, and some are pests. Personally, I do not like hermits. They kill your snails. Shrimp are excellent scavengers, more interesting and peaceful inhabitants. Take a look at the invert lists for sale here. The product descriptions will tell you what each critter...
  13. mikeyjer

    Will these fish get along

    Originally Posted by pwitt441 I have a 55gal reef. I may get a 125gal from a friend soon. My yellow tang is after my foxface sometimes though. I personally start my tangs out small in a 55g, but depending on size of your fish. You have 3 very territorial fish, Regal, Yellow and Flame. Foxface...
  14. mikeyjer

    What is this?

    Originally Posted by chub Its the hair algae im refering to, ive done what you have suggested already but it looks like its coming back a bit I have no sump or refugium so i'll try larger water changes, I do 10% every 2weeks. Thanks What type of water are you using??? Can you get a better...
  15. mikeyjer

    What kind of LR is this?

    Originally Posted by hotjeepinmomma i think so i looked it up the images on google and it looks the same why is that bad?! It can take over your tank and kill any corals while at it....They do run their course though. What type of water are you using?? Are you stirring your sandbed?
  16. mikeyjer

    help me with picking out new pump.

    I do have to second Maxi-jets!!! I've been using the same Maxi-jet for the past 4 years and they're still working just fine, just a simple cleaning every once in a while......
  17. mikeyjer

    Setting up aquarium couple of ?'s

    I would just use LS in the fuge instead of mud. In one of my tank I used kent fuge sediment or something like that and the other tank I used LS. It doesn't make any difference to me actually.....Good luck with your tank!!!
  18. mikeyjer

    Wrasses and Angels

    Originally Posted by JThomas0385 Are lemon peel and coral beauty angels compatible?? Are Dwarf Angels compatible with Wrasses?? Thanks once again! wouldn't even sell you two Angels together unless you notify them that you were planning on putting it in two separate...
  19. mikeyjer

    what eats Majano

    Originally Posted by ginnboy what eats Majano ,if anything . I have a lot of them and it will take a long time to use Joe's Juice. When I first started my 90g RR bowfront, I got a ton of rocks from a local reefer. IT was completely covered with Majano, Aiptasia, and Tulip Anemones. I placed...
  20. mikeyjer

    Peppermint shrimp - safe with corals?

    Originally Posted by Travis89 Peppermint shrimp are fine with coral, they will usually only eat the small aiptasia. When I had mine, they eat other types as well when they ran out of Aiptasia. They ate Majano and Tulip, there's NO anemone left in my tank. The Shrimps died afterwards since...