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  1. flamehawk

    Fish intro into new 610g tank/166g sump

    SETTING UP 610 GAL/ 166G SUMP AND WILL BE ADDING LIVE SAND, SEA WATER AND ROCK HOPEFULLY THIS WEEK. Plan on lots of rock and some very hardy, mostly hard corals(Ie:Monti’s, Hollywood stunner, etc). Will also try some mushrooms, zoo’s and 2-3 Rose bubble anemone’s. The stars of the tank will be...
  2. flamehawk

    700g tank stocking level

    Thx. Agree on clownfish and they will be all ocellaris but different patterns. AS far as aggression..the emperor is probably the most aggressive of all so he’ll go in last and yes all smaller fish in first. I’ve never tried getting 3 or more yellows and/or 3 hippo’s to decrease the aggression...
  3. flamehawk

    700g tank stocking level

    Yes I am taking a deep dive back into the hobby! I will be custom making a approx 700g tank measurement 7’ Long’s 3’ deep and 4 1/2 feet high. It will have a 120g sump with wet/dry and protein skimmers, A+ lighting. I want to focus on the fish so it w/b semi reef in that it will have live sand...
  4. flamehawk

    New Custom semi reef 700g tank!

    Yes I am taking a deep dive back into the hobby! I will be custom making a approx 700g tank measurement 7’ Long’s 3’ deep and 4 1/2 feet high. It will have a 120g sump with wet/dry and protein skimmers, A+ lighting. I want to focus on the fish so it w/b semi reef in that it will have live sand...
  5. flamehawk

    125g Long AGA in NOVA

  6. flamehawk

    Wanted: 180g+ set up

    Getting back into the hobby and looking for a 180+ set up to include oak/cherry/acrylic stand with matching canopy top, lights, etc. Let me know thx. Flame
  7. flamehawk

    WTB 180g set up

    getting back into hobby and am Looking for 180g set up. Wooden or acrylic stand and canopy top. Email pics to Live in princeton junction, nj. Thx.
  8. flamehawk

    Fish list

    I added my sohal last grew fast....within months he was too agressive....had no choice but to sell him to LFS. Will also stick to my recommendation on one large angel. You're tank and mates will be much better off. Also when calculating fish size always use adult size. If you do that you...
  9. flamehawk

    Fish That Are Not Prone To Ich

    flamehawk and basslett are good choices, will gt along and are less likely to get ick. Good luck.
  10. flamehawk

    Fish list

    tank not big enough for adult size of all those fish. I would not add the sohal....had one....very agressive as they get older and really stress out tankmates. Would also agree and add only 1 angel. Good luck.
  11. flamehawk

    Dead fire shrimp?

    hermits will take care of it. There is not much skeloton matter to a fire shrimp. Has anyone had success with firw shrimp. I bought 2 and they"dissappeared w/in days. I then bought cleaner shrimp and they have been doing great.
  12. flamehawk

    What's your favorite saltwater fish?

    Re scribble angel above...I still have him and he's doing great. The fish that had for over 4 and did not survive the ich was the powder blue. The scribble I have is a male and looks like the bottom fish of the 2 posted above. Really nice!
  13. flamehawk

    what are your thoughts on this..

    S/b fine for salt water.
  14. flamehawk

    getting rid of this aneneme

    It's a BTA. If you don't want it I'll take it> I have 2 and they're great additions. Consider yourself lucky.
  15. flamehawk

    OMG listen to the deal i just got i almost fainted

    probably is B.S.........
  16. flamehawk

    75g Fish order of entry?

    My strong suggestion would be only 1 trigger. good luck.
  17. flamehawk

    NYC water

    Never had a problem w/ NY/NJ water. I use a 2 stage filter for all water out of the tap but not RO.
  18. flamehawk

    OMG listen to the deal i just got i almost fainted

    I agree it was wrong and no one should really debate that......wrong is wrong......
  19. flamehawk

    fluval 404

    Unfortunately LFS is misinformed. FLuval will run even better without the bio balls to interupt water flow. I have used fluval primarily for water flow for years with nothing in it most of the time. Occassionally run carbon through it. WOrks great.
  20. flamehawk

    55 Gallon Stocking, how many is to many?

    After being away for a while and now coming back to post, some of the more seasoned fish keepers are no longer posting and thus are not sharing some of their past mistakes. Sorry to say but you are already overstocked. It w/b a mistake to put anymore fish in your 55g. The hippo will need to be...