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  1. craig_08

    TriGa22's Tank Diary

    It should be fine where they are. It just looks like they are getting whipped around. I like mine in low flow so they really extend but with the Hydor deflectors I don't know if you can find a low flow spot.
  2. craig_08

    TriGa22's Tank Diary

    The xenia and kenya tree I gave you are looking good. If you put the xenia in a spot with a little less flow the polyps will extend more and spread out a lot. Good luck with the algae. It doesn't seem to be as disastrous as you made it out to sound last night. A sally lightfoot, a few...
  3. craig_08

    Blue Ring

    I thought they had blue rings, not red x's
  4. craig_08

    Reef vs Fish Only

    Or just do an aggressive reef!
  5. craig_08

    wat are the best saltwater cubes to buy

    JBJ (ie. nanocube) just came out with a new version. It is 28 gallons, has HQI MHs with 4 moonlights, and has a skimmer, a heater compartment, and two return pumps and nozzles. It also has an open back/sump area to allow you to get to the skimmer and sump areas more easily. JMHO
  6. craig_08

    Is this quality fiji live rock?

    I hear that a company in the same city where the Buccaneers play in Florida have some really biodiverse rock and kind of set the standard for LR. Try googling for it.
  7. craig_08

    swelled belly clown trigger

    The baby clown triggers have a very high mortality rate due to the method of capture from the wild. The fishermen use cyanide to catch them and for some reason it takes a while before they kick the bucket. You could be right with the liver thing.
  8. craig_08

    wat can i put in 55g?

    Go with a Frogfish or if you have some experience with saltwater already research into getting a bimac octopus. Bandensis cuttlefish maybe?
  9. craig_08

    DIY canopy

    Not a problem, I will PM them to you tomorrow at work. That sucks that they took the links down. It wasn't like I was promoting the other sites.
  10. craig_08

    DIY canopy

    If I were you, I would do something like one of these two canopies. Talk about accessability! *Links Removed*
  11. craig_08

    2.5g what inverts?

    I would only do three snails and a sexy shrimp. This is what I have in my 3 gallon and it works nicely. And you are correct; fish are not an option. The lighting should be plenty for almost anything you would like to keep.
  12. craig_08

    Large hermit crabs

    I have had one of these before. First of all, it will be able to climb the rock easily. I never had any trouble with them eating corals at all. The reason I eventually got rid of him is that he was taking out my Zebra Turbo snails, eating them and then taking their shell.
  13. craig_08

    Got 2 new corals today!

    Very nice pictures guys. And also, by the way, there is no age limit on the ARC. The vice president is 17 and in high school.
  14. craig_08

    Down-sizing and have some questions about skilter skimmer

    Unfortunately, the Skilter doesn't really do a whole lot even with the modifications. I tried to make it work on a 10 gallon when I was first starting but ended up tossing it and chalking it up to a newbie mistake. good luck
  15. craig_08

    which Hydor Koralia?

    TriGA, I would go with a #1 if I were going to put one in a 30g. They are nice powerheads though. Wide flow pattern.
  16. craig_08

    Big Eyes, Little Wallet

    Also, make sure that you add the strawberry psuedocromis last. They are very territorial and aggressive.
  17. craig_08

    Got 2 new corals today!

    There is also the Atlanta Reef Club. Some people are members of both. I have gotten many a free frag from people when visiting or trading stuff with members. Definately look into joining one.
  18. craig_08

    Is there something wrong with my tank?

    Oh yeah, they were also right that it will slow down algae growth, but it is only due to the reduction in nitrates. High nitrates, phosphates and silicates are the common culprits in algae growth. It will also remove any organic waste that has not been broken down yet. Don't make a habit out...
  19. craig_08

    Is there something wrong with my tank?

    Your LFS is correct in the fact that calcium and alk will not currently DIRECTLY affect your livestock. However, they do have an effect on pH, which will have an effect on your livestock. When I was a beginner, I could try to buffer and buffer but could not get my pH up for anything. It...
  20. craig_08

    what to feed a new tiny lionfish ?

    Try plankton soaked in garlic. I got a baby lionfish a few weeks ago about the size of yours. He didn't want to eat the mysis I was feeding him. When I soaked some plankton in a few drops of garlic he went nuts and eats it like a pig.