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  1. truefishman

    valentini puffer

    i have a orange-tail fiji puffer and they are a pygmy puffer like the valentini puffer.i have had mine for about 3 years and i think through those 3 years of having him i have only seen him open his tail about 10 times and every time it happened i was doing a water change and he was swimming the...
  2. truefishman

    Killer Wrasse

    what kind of tangs do you have?
  3. truefishman

    What kind of butterfly is this?

    could it be an eclipse?i know that the eclipse' butterfly has a vertical white band running through the eye but it looks somewhat smaller so it cold be a juvi.besides my guess of an eclipse i have no idea.
  4. truefishman

    I Need Help!!

    It is possibly ich.have you had any experiences with ich before? Did you QT the tang before you put it into the DT?Also Is it doing it constantly?Looking at your profile you have a 55 and soon also have a dog face puffer and a lion.Are they scratching as well?
  5. truefishman

    Name Your Least Favorite Fish

    for me it is a squirlfish.<- idk about the spelling.they are so ugly and my dad loves them.
  6. truefishman

    got a niger trigger today

    hey congrats they should be fine with food and only one said they dont require any special treatment.
  7. truefishman

    bought the blue throat today

    any pics yet
  8. truefishman


    its always a maybe with large they have wide ranges of personality' want to be sure you add them together and it is better if they are near the same size.
  9. truefishman

    Found a 300 gal tank good deal?

    ya that's a great deal although you have to remember hou have to purchase other major equipment and counting in order to manage a 300g.i have never had any personal experiences with acrylic tanks before but from what i understand is that they are prone to scratches and glass is more of a...
  10. truefishman

    food for blue throat trigger

    ya it eats everything although during the QT period it might take them a while to start eating as they are really shy.i have a pair of blue jaws and they eat anything.good luck trying to find one my lfs's always have them in.its rare for me to walk into my lfs's and not see at least 2 or more...
  11. truefishman

    is it ick??

    as to what beth said it usually starts out small. do you have the fish in you display.if so do you have a QT could try hyposalinity if you do you do have a QT but i would hold off until your sure it has ich.QT btw means Quarintine Tank...
  12. truefishman

    Is this a Scopas Tang?

    yep that is a scopas. black are all black as the scopas is more grey with a yellow front.
  13. truefishman

    My Emp Angel

    thats a really pretty emperor.i have one myself and very fun to watch them grow.mine is about the same stage as yours.
  14. truefishman

    Lakers win NBA Championship and not ONE accolade?

    Originally Posted by AquaKnight Two other examples would be, go watch a WRC or F1 race for some international flare... Amen! It's always bothered me that people are so limited sometimes on sports, and being 'all-about' one sport, but hate everything else. Sure you can have a favorite, but...
  15. truefishman

    Lakers win NBA Championship and not ONE accolade?

    Originally Posted by ruaround spoken like a true... cuz everyone travels at 170 mph on the freeways in LA!!! yup anyone can do it!!! i didnt judge you... i simply asked who the "Lakers" are... then you busted my chops with a "BORING"... its all good brada we need to take this out on the 360...
  16. truefishman

    Lakers win NBA Championship and not ONE accolade?

    whoa whoa whoa this is going to be intersting. first off nascar until recently was not considered a sport now look at it nascar is growing.but only growing in the us.look at basketball it is growing more than any other sport even out of the country. now arguing about a nascar driver.ya it takes...
  17. truefishman

    New 750g aggressive set up. Need help

    Originally Posted by crypt keeper any updates? its been 6 months. haha i wasnt even looking at the interested in all the threads he post but he dosent follow through with the thread.
  18. truefishman

    Stock list

    if your looking for a semi aggressive i would do a snowflake.for an angel its pretty much anything you like if the tank is not crowded. for triggers its really a hit or miss i personally like the blue jaws and sarrgassums.they tend to be more adjustable to different types of fish.
  19. truefishman

    where to put wrasses?

    it should work just make sure you put the least aggressive in first.
  20. truefishman

    Stock list for a 120 reef

    Originally Posted by Mech-a-nic MR.reef you are correct sir The "reef safe" Trigger killed my cleaner shrimp tonight. I watched them fight over the body after they pulled him out of the rocks..... .......There damn lucky I don't like Sushi We call that bait round these parts The 2 triggers...