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  1. crazyaqua

    Can I Add Live rock??? Pics

    yeah looks good nice solid pieces of rock
  2. crazyaqua

    Any one know what fish this is?

    is the rest of your tank locally caught things because they can cause havoc among your store bought buddies.
  3. crazyaqua

    Convict Tang

    the vlamingi's are cool and they would be ok in 125 imo
  4. crazyaqua

    90 Gallon Tank

    Yeah if you got jumpers or eels dont use eggcrate my poor midas took a bad leap
  5. crazyaqua

    restocking my 75 gal

    sounds good i would watch the trigger carefully because i had a niger and his favorite treat was condy's
  6. crazyaqua

    Lemonpeel Dwarf Angels?

    I dont know about the lemon peel but i have a dwarf flame and it has not bothered any of the xenias in the tank or the feather dusters i think it just matters on the fish it self
  7. crazyaqua

    Yellow Tang Question

    Yeah that is definitely weird for a tang not to be the first to eat they are major pigs i cant get mine to stop eating.
  8. crazyaqua

    Fish addition

    yeah move the angel if you want to keep the foxface then dont add anything else.
  9. crazyaqua

    Caribbean Live Rock

    I have Caribbean rock and some indopacific they both had a good amount of hitchhikers and it seems the Caribbean rock is cheaper but still looks good.
  10. crazyaqua

    Longnose Hawkfish

    Dont tear anything apart give him a couple more days what else do you have in the tank?
  11. crazyaqua

    UV sterilizer?

    i don't think a uv sterilizer is beneficial just as long as you have good water flow and filtration and qt tank you should be fine
  12. crazyaqua

    Anemone Comitting Suicide??? HELP!!!

    what are you water parameters and what kind of lighting you using how long have you had him?
  13. crazyaqua


    Yes skimmers do help out alot get a remora you cant go wrong
  14. crazyaqua

    I Have a problem!!!!

    The tank will be to small for the clown but for the worms the shrimp should eat them maybe if you really want them out you could use a net and pick them out.
  15. crazyaqua

    CLean up crew-Triggers

    yeah the trigger will eat the hermits
  16. crazyaqua

    Florida LFS's

    You should run for office i would vote for you
  17. crazyaqua

    Florida LFS's

    Can i get an Amen Murph
  18. crazyaqua

    blue hippo tang???

    Yeah wait till you get a bigger tank for the blue they like alot of swimming room
  19. crazyaqua

    How about a Mandarin Dragonet?

    nay also you need a huge amount of live rock plus you already have a scooter so it would be competing for food
  20. crazyaqua

    Protein Skimmer?

    Aqua C all the way best skimmers ever